Saturday 1 October 2011

Ninth General Report

(With some recent information)
September, 1938
( vii )

The Governing Body of the Ramakrishna Mission (1938)
, I. Swami Suddhananda, President
  1. ,, Virajananda, Vice-President
  2. ,, Sankarananda, Treasurer
  3. ,, Madhavananda, Secretary
5. ,, Amriteshwarananda
  1. ,, Atmabodhananda (Assl. Secretaries
  2. ,, Vireswarananda
  3. ,, Visuddhananda, Accountant
  4. ,, Abhedananda

  1. ,, Bodhananda
  2. ,, Achaiananda
  3. ,, Mahimananda
  4. ,, Sharvananda
14. ,, Santananda.15. ,, Asimananda
  1. ,, Yatiswarananda
  2. ,, Prabodhananda
  3. ,, Atmaprakashananda
  4. ,, Nirvanananda
  5. ,, Nirvedananda
  6. ,, Omkarananda
Bankers, 1938
The Chaziered Bank of India, Australia & China, Ltd.,
The Lloyds Bank, Ltd., Calcutta, The Centi'al Bank of India, Ltd., Calcutta, The National City Bank of New York, Calcutta, The Bengal Provincial Co-operative Bank, Ltd.
. Auditors, 1938
Messrs. Banerjee, Roy Ofiaudhury & "Go.
Mr. S. N. Mukherjee, f.s.a.a.
Mr. S. M. Sen Gupta, m.a.
Mr. 'D. M. Sen Gupta
Messrs. N. C. Chakravarty & Co.
registered under act XXI of 1860 of the governor-general of india in council
( 1936—1937 )
The national' ideals of India are Renunciation and service. Intensify her in those channels and the rest will take care of itself.
" Sieami Vivekananda
After the passing away of Sri Ramakrishna Deva, the Prophet of the harmony of all religions, in 1886, a monastic Order bearing his name was organised by some of his Sannyasin disciples headed by Swami Vivekananda. After some years spent in intense spiritual practices, the ideal that gradually shaped itself before the vision of the Order had a twofold character :
(a) To bring into existence a band of Sannyasins devoted to leading a life of renunciation and practical spirituality, from among whom teachers and workers could be sent out to spread Vedantic and religious ideas as illustrated in the life of Sri Ramak/ishna.
(6) In conjunction with the lay disciples to carry on missionary, philanthropic and charitable work, looking upon all men, women and children irrespective of caste, creed or colour as veritable manifestations of the Divine.
For some time the philanthropic and missionary work was carried on through the medium of an Asso­ciation called the Ramakrishna Mission Association started by Swami Vivekananda in May, 1897, shortly after his return from the West. In the year 1899 a Math or monastery was started at Belur, in the district of Howrah, Bengal, and in 1901 Swami Vivekananda executed a Trust Deed vesting the buildings and prop-erties in a body of Trustees, the main objects of the Math being the training of a band of monks for Self-realisation and for the acquisition of a capacity to serve the world in all possible ways. Soon after this Math was established as the central seat of the monastic order, the Ramakrishna Mission Association ceased to function as an independent organization, and tho, Math authorities themselves carried on the philan­thropic and charitable work originally undertaken by the Mission Association.
In course of time, with the growth of its scope and public responsibilities it was felt thait for the efficient carrying on of the philanthropic, charitable and missionary work, as well as for giving it a legal status, it was better to have a separate organisation known as the Ramakrishna Mission. Accordingly in the year 1909 a Society under the name of the Rama­krishna Mission was registered under Act XXI of 1860. (Appendix G gives extracts from the Memo­randum of Association and Appendix H extracts from the Rules.) The management of the Ramakrishna Mission was henceforth vested in a Governing Body consisting of the Trustees of the Belur Math for the time being. The registration of the Mission was undertaken to keep the Math activities, viz. the train­ing anrl maintenance of a band of Sannyasins to carry on religious work, distinct from the Mission activities.
The activities of the Belur Math extended, and in course of time various branch Maths sprang up in different parts of the country. These branch Maths
and the Math at Belur were from their very inception treated as part of a single organisation. Side by side with the springing into existence of the branch Maths, the Ramakrishna Mission extended its sphere of activ­ities, and the various philanthropic and charitable institutions that had already been started by it in different parts of India were gradually incorporated into the registered Society known as the Ramakrishna Mission, and new centres also began to be started.
The Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission
Though the Ramakrishna Mission and the Rama­krishna Math with their respective centres are distinct institutions, there has been a close association between the two bodies, as the Governing Body of the Mission is identical with the Trustees of the Math, and the principal workers of the Mission are members of the Ramakrishna Math, and both have their Headquarters at the Belur Math. The name of the Ramakrishna Mission has, however, come to be loosely used by people in connection with all Math activities also.
It is necessary to point out that the mere use of the name of Sri Ramakrishna or Swami Vivekananda with any institution does not necessarily imply that it is managed or controlled by either the Trustees of the Belur Math or the Governing Body of the Ramakrishna Mission, or that the central organisation at Belur is responsible for their activities.
In furtherance of the objects of the Math and the Mission, trained members of the Order are sent out to countries outside India for the preaching of Vedanta in order to bring about a closer relation and better understanding between -India and foreign countries.
The Math and the Mission, which, as pointed out, are independent of each other in their respective spheres of activities, own separate funds and keep separate accounts of them. The Math fund consists
of private subscriptions and donations from friends and devotees ear-marked for worship, maintenance of the monks undergoing spiritual discipline, celebrations of anniversary festivals, etc. In several Maths this fund is strengthened by the proceeds of the publication of the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda literature. For conducting the work of the Mission, subscriptions and donations are collected from the general public. These constitute the Mission fund, which is annually audited by auditors appointed in the General Meeting of the Association.
A Resume of the Activities in 1936 and 1937
It is gratifying to note that through the grace of the Lord and the sympathetic co-operation of trie generous public, the various activities of the Mission have shown an all-round progress during the period under review, and that our countrymen have been taking a greater interest in our movement, which is recognised as one of the nation-building forces in India.
Under the Headquarters at Belur there were in 1937, 26 Mission centres, 17 combined Math and Mission centres and 26 Math centres in India. These were distributed as follows: 31 in Bengal, 3 in Assam, 6 in Bihar, 2 each in'Orissa, Bombay and Mysore, ii in U.P., i each in Delhi, C.P., Sind, Cochin, Coorg and Travancore, and 6 in Madras. In addition to these, there were 2 centres in Burma, 4 in Ceylon, I each in Straits Settlements, England, France, Switzerland and Argentina, and 11 centres in the United States of America. Thus there were altogether 50 Mission centres and 58 Math centres at the end of I937^^' Moreover, attached to these branch centres there were no less than 9 sub-centres, where monastic workers resided more or less permanently.
Most of the centres in India, Burma, Ceylon load the Straits Settlements conducted various institutions
of public utility. Thus in 1937 there were 9 Indoor Hospitals which accommodated 9,320 patients, 43 Outdoor Dispensaries which treated 13,12,614 patients, 33 Ashramas undertaking home nursing, cremation and gratuitous relief, 31 Ashramas accom­modating 761 students, 3 Residential High Schools with 338 boys, 9 other High Schools with 2,379 boys and 869 girls, 5 Industrial and Agricultural Schools with 492 boys, 5 Middle English Schools with 401 boys and 89 girls, 57 Upper and Lower Primary Schools with 3,049 boys and 1,352 girls, 18 Night Schools with 632 students and one Sanskrit School with 43 students. The centres also conducted Libraries and Reading Rooms. A number of Sanskrit Chatushpathis, too, were run, mainly for the benefit of the members of the OrdeT;. Some Math centres printed books on religious subjects, and seven magazines in different languages were conducted. Relief work of various types was undertaken by the Headquarters and the branch centres from time to time. Preaching formed the special work of the Math centres. All of them organised public meetings arid religious classes, which were well attended.
Sri Ramakrishna Centenary
An outstanding event of the period under review was the celebration of the Birth Centenary of Sri Ramakrishna on an extensive scale in India and abroad. The celebrations were under the guidance of a strong representative Central Committee with its head office at the Belur Math and city office at the Albert Hall, 15, College Square, Calcutta. There were influential local committees also at different places for the local celebrations. Through theirjoint efforts celebrations on a more or less grand scale were organised not only in places where there are centres of the Ramakrishna Math or Mission, but also in innumerable other towns and villages. In fact, it will not be far from the truth to say that in India, the
celebrations were held on a national scale, andhundreds of thousands participated in them. Thechief features of the celebrations were worship, reli­gious songs, processions, lectures, religious conven­tions, publication of books, construction of memorialbuildings, fairs, exhibitions, feeding of the poor and
collection of funds for permanent philanthropic work.
Through these various ways the message of the
harmony of all religions and the divinity of man,
which was Sri Ramakrishna's precious bequest to theworld- was broadcast to the farthest corners of theearth. The monks of the Ramakrishna Order partic­
ularly the Headquarters, took an active part in these
celebrations and contributed not a little to theirremarkable success.
As a separate report of these celebrations has already been published by the Centenary Committee, we notice only a few of their salient features. The Exhibitions in Calcutta and Rangoon deserve special mention. The same may be said of the processions in those two places as well^as at Benares. The Central Committee has published three memorable volumes entitled The Cultural Heritage of India, as also a descriptive album called the Sri Ramakrishna Centenary Souvenir. One lasting result of the cele­brations is the starting of a new Mission centre in Calcutta under the name of "the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture."
The Math and the Mission sustained an irreparable loss at the_passing away of Srimat Swami Akhanda-nancls., ^th'e President of the Order, on the yth Febru­ary, 1937, after a short term of less than three years. He was succeeded by Srimat Swami Vijnanananda, who held office only for one year, unexpectedly passing away on the 25th April, 1938. He, like his
predecessors, was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, and his sudden demise has been a serious blow to the organisation.
The Plan of the Report
The activities of the Math and the Mission have been described in this Report in five sections. Section I deals with the Math and Mission Headquarters, Section II with the group of Mission centres only, classified into (A) Institutions of general service and (B) Institutions mainly educational, Section III with combined Math and Mission centres, Section IV with Math centres alone," and Section V with centres outside India. We shall take them up in order. The descriptions given here are short, as most of the centres publish" separate Reports of their activities, to which reference may be made for details. The statistics of the different centres have been omitted from the body of this Report and given in a tabulated form in Appendices A to F at the end.
the ramakrishna math, belur It.was the aim of Swami Vivekananda to found an institution where thousands of young men would be provided with the means of attaining their own liberation and of effectively preparing themselves for the good of humanity. The first and foremost of all the Maths and Ashramas started (or the realisation of this object is the central Math at Belur situated on the right bank of the Ganges, three miles to the north < of Calcutta, in full view of the temple of Dakshineswar. Associated with the. holy lives and a thousand sacred memories of Swami Vivekananda and his brother-disciples—who have done so much for the spiritual regeneration of India and the whole world—the Belur Math, with its spacious grounds and serene atmos­phere, is a place of pilgrimage to all seekers of Truth. It has been yearly attracting larger sections of our countrymen and an ever-increasing number of inter­ested visitors from foreign countries.
With a view to disseminating the ideas and ideals of the Sanatana Dharma, the Swamis of the Order undertook, during the period under review, lecturing tours in different parts of the country, where they were received with great enthusiasm. These were too numerous to mention in detail.
Three of the Swamis who have been working in North and South America as preachers of Vedanta came vto Jthe~ Math, mainly in ^connection with the Centenary celebrations. These were Swami Parama-nanda of La Crescenta, Swami Vijoyananda of Buenos Aires and Swami Akhilananda of Providence. Their sojourn in India was not free from activity, for in
the course of their visits to the different centres they had to address public meetings and give talks to groups of devotees and admirers, all of which pro­duced a profound inpression on the audience.
The course of training in the Math went on with­out a break, and several young men had the privilege of being initiated into the vows of Brahmacharya and Sannyasa. Regular classes were held throughout the period under review. In the attached Chatushpathi or Sanskrit School there were four or five daily classes, some under a qualified teacher, and the others under capable monks of the Order. In these classes various philosophical and religious books were studied. A ^general class was maintained for the study of the religious literature of the Order, which was open to the public. The Sannyasins of the Math conducted regular religious classes in Calcutta and other neighbouring places.
The magnificent stone temple of Sri Ramakrishna with a Natmandir (prayer hall), the construction of-which, on the basis of the plan left by Swami Viveka-nanda, was undertaken in 1935 through the generous help of two devoted American students of Swami Akhilananda—Miss Helen Rubel and Mrs. Anna Worcester—was formally dedicated by the late President, Srimat Swami Vijnanananda, on the I4th January, 1938, although the completion of the edifice took some months more. In point of beauty and grandeur as well as strength it may be considered the most remarkable temple of its kind in Northern India. The actual cost of the temple and its allied construc­tions has exceeded the estimated cost of seven lakhs of rupees by another'lakh, and although'sains* part of it has been subscribed by the Indian devotees, there is still a deficit of sixty-five thousand, which awaits the sympathy and co-operation of the religious-minded public.
With the construction of the temple the need of a Guest House for devotees and admirers who want to pass a few days with their families near the precincts of the Math in order to profit by its spiritual atmos­phere or to study at first hand the workings of the Mission at its chief centre, is being more and more keenly felt. The estimated cost of the land and building is Rs. 25,000. It is earnest!}/ hoped that before long this particular want of the Headquarters will be removed by generous friends and well-wishers of the Order.
the ramakrishna mission'headquarters The Belur Math, as already mentioned, is also the Headquarters of the Ramakrishna Mission, from' which the activities of its different branch centres are regulated. Besides this work of supervision, the Mission Headquarters conducts the following:
1. Ramakrishna Mission Charitable Dispensary, Belur
This outdoor Dispensary was founded in the year 1913. Besides rendering medical relief it supplied occasional diet, warm clothing and pecuniary help to the needy. The physician in charge also attended patients in their own homes free of charge, whenever necessary, and in serious cases the services of expert physicians were requisitioned. The Dispensary has grown quite popular and drew patients from consider­able distances. Through the kind help of some friends a permanent building is being constructed. A portion of the total cost, however, is still to be collected.
2. Mass Education Work
Through the kindness of a few American friends, the Mission Headquarters at Belur started in the year 1928 a number of Primary Schools for the removal
of illiteracy among Indian children. In 1936 and 1937 the Mission helped the following 16 schools from the Mass Education Fund, the number of students in 1937 being 652:
(l) Bally-Barrackpore M. E. School (Howrah),
  1. Gachha Night School (24 Parganas)—up to 1936,
  2. Kachulia L. P. School (Barisal), (4) RamakrishnaVidyalaya, Dharamtul (Nowgong, Assam), (5) BagdaM. E. School (Manbhum)—up to 1936, (6) Viveka-nanda Matrimandir, Haldibunia (Khulna), (7) BallyBalika Vidyalaya (Howrah), (8) Brahmankitta M. E.
    School (Dacca), (9) Shyambazar Vivekananda Insti­
    tution (Hooghly), (10) Daharkundu Primary School(Hooghly), (11) Vivekananda Pathsala, Bagerhat
    (Khulna), (12) Bhubaneswar L. P. School (Puri),
    (13) Binapani Girls' School, Bagaria (24 Parganas),(14—16) Three schools in Sylhet (Assam).
The receipts of this Fund in 1936 together with previous balance amounted to »Rs. 838-10-3 and the expenditure to Rs. 338-10. The corresponding figures for 1937 were Rs. 1,156-14-7 and Rs. 490-2 respect­ively, leaving a balance of Rs. 666-12-7 the end of the year.
Owing to the shortage of funds, the work was greatly handicapped. To those who believe, with Swami Vivekananda, that the well-being of a nation depends on the condition of its masses, we earnestly appeal for contributions to this fund.
3. Temporary Relief Work
As a detailed report of the relief activities under­taken by the Mission up to 1937 has been printedseparately, only a short account of them is givenbelow.
/. Western Bengal (including Sonthal Parganas) Famine Relief, 1936
Owing to the failure of crops for several consec­utive years, many districts of Bengal were under the grip of a terrible famine in the earlier part of 1936, in which more than five million people were seriously affected. The Mission started relief on a small scale in the Shyamnagar Thana of the Khulna district. Gradually, as more funds were received, the work was extended to the districts of Bankura, Birbhum and Sonthal Parganas. The Mission branches at Bankura and Tamluk (District Midnapore) aiso undertook relief locally with financial help from the Headquarters. Thus the Mission conducted operations from four centres in Khulna, three in Bankura, one in Birbhum, one in the Sonthal Parganas and one in Midnapore.
Altogether 13,428 recipients belonging to about 160villages were helped with 4,147 mds. of rice and 3,377pieces of cloth. ?
After continued relief for about six months, the Mission closed all its centres in the middle of Novem­ber, when the new crop was harvested.
2. Arakan Flood Relief, Burma
In May, 1936, a great part of the Arakan division of Burma was seriously affected by flood. The Rangoon branch of the Mission started relief in co­operation with the Government of Burma and the Red Cross Society. The Mission Headquarters sent a few workers to join the band deputed from Rangoon to the affested area. There were six centres, from which rice and hut-building materials were distributed and medical relief was rendered to thousands of suffering people. Details of the work are to be found in the Report of the Rangoon branch.
3. Malda Flood Relief,
In the middle of August, 1936, a great portion of the district of Malda was submerged, causing intense suffering to thousands. Our Ashrama at Malda, with help from trie Headquarters, undertook immediate relief by starting two centres, from which about 1,000 people belonging to 12 villages were given 199 mds. of rice and 145 pieces of new cloth. Some pecuniary help also was given for hut-building.
4. Cawnpore Flood Relief,
In August, 1936, some districts in U. P. were overflooded, and our branch centre at Cawnpore undertook relief, details of which will be found in their Report.
j. Guntur Cyclone Relief, 1936
In October, 1936, the Guntur district of the Madras Presidency was badly hit by a cyclone. The Mission branch at Madras undertook relief and supplied mate­rials for rebuilding 334 huts.
6. Orissa Flood Relief, 1937
In the first week of August, 1937, the rivers in the districts of Cuttack and Puri were in great spate, and the major portion of the two districts was submerged, causing loss of life and property. Though the funds at the disposal of the Headquarters were inadequate, the Bhubaneswar branch of the Mission was instructed to undertake immediate relief, and a batch of workers was also sent from the Headquarters. Operations were conducted from two' centres, viz. Delang^and' Pipli, from which 6,444 people were helped with 872 mds. of rice and other foodstuffs and 732 pieces of cloth. Besides 25 huts were built, and materials were supplied for another 128.
/. Minor Relief Activities
Small-pox broke out in an epidemic form in the Midnapore town in November, 1936, and lasted till March, 1937, during which period the local branch of the Mission rendered all possible help to the afflicted persons in the shape of medicine, diet and nursing. In addition to this, preventive measures were undertaken and many dead bodies were cremated. Out of the total amount spent, the Mission Headquarters contrib­uted Rs. 100.
Simultaneously with the Orissa Flood Relief the Mission conducted fire relief at Narayankha? in the Puri district and spent Rs. 220-5-3 in supplying materials for reconstructing the huts of 19 families.
During the earlier part of 1937, the town of Bankura was visited by an epidemic of small-pox. The workers of the local Mission centre at once started relief. They disinfected roads and private houses, nursed the sick and supplied them with diet and medi­cines. The work lasted from January to March, and the total amount spent was Rs. 228-10, out of which the Headquarters contributed Rs. 150.
Accounts of other minor relief activities conducted by the branch centres will be found in their respective places.
4. Help to the Poor
The Mission Headquarters also maintained a Poor Fund for the redress of individual distress, out of which it helped a number of helpless widows and gave small stipends to some deserving students. Besides a
Permanent Fund of Rs. 7,000 in Government secur­ities and Rs. 3,536-5-9 in the Savings Bank, the total receipts of this Fund in 1936 and 1937 including pre­vious balance were Rs. 3,065-9-2, and the total expenditure Rs. 2,594-3-6, leaving a meagre balance of Rs. 471-5-8. Urgent attention of the sympathetic public is respectfully invited towards the improvement of this Fund.
Detailed accounts of the Provident Relief Fund, the Mass Education Fund, the Poor Fund and the General Fund, along with the audited balance sheet of the Mission Headquarters, are published in a separate Report.
The Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service, Benares City
This is one of the oldest Sevashramas of the Mis­sion, devoted to the service of the poor and suffering humanity irrespective of caste, creed or sex, and its services have won the admiration of all.
Started in 1900, it was handed over to the Ramakrishna Mission in 1902, and was formally made a branch centre of the Mission as a registered body in 1909. It has been occupying its present premises at Laksa (Telephone: 104) since 1910, and has got a valuable property of its own. The work has grown at a steady pace, and a branch Outdoor Dispensary was opened in July, 1931, at the Shivala quarter of the city. The present activities of the Home may be divided under the following heads :
(i) Indoor General Hospital:' It takes care of those helpless sufferers who are picked up from the roadside <or bathing-ghats, besides those who seek admission into it. The Female Hospital is segregated from the Male Hospital and is conducted exclusively by lady workers. All three systems of treatment— Allopathic, Homoeopathic, and Ayurvedic—are made use of. (2) Refuge for Invalid Men: There were 3 inmates in 1936 and 2 in 1937, in this Refuge. (3) Refuge for Women Invalids: There were 9 inmates on an average in this Refuge, which is located at the Dasaswamedh Ghat. (4) Home for Paralytic Patients: It accommodated u patients in 1936 and 20 in 1937. (5) Dharmasala for poor strangers: It gave temporary
shelter and food to about 263 persons during the period under review. (6) Outdoor help to Invalids and poor Ladies of respectable families. (7) Outdoor Dispensary (including the Shivala branch). (8) Special and occasional relief.
The Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Kankhal (Saharanpur)
This Sevashrama has been doing considerable service to the sick ever since its establishment in 1901. It was formally made a branch centre of the Mission in 1911. Its activities lie in the following directions: (i) An Indoor Hospital. (2) An Outdoor Dispensary. (3) A Night School for Harijans attached *to the Sevashrama. (4) A Library and a Reading Room. (5) A Guest House. The institution has got a number of commodious buildings.
The Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Brindaban (Muttra)
The Sevashrama at Brindaban was started in the year 1907 and was handed over to the Mission in the following year. It was formally made a branch centre in 1911. Although it has done excellent service to thousands of pilgrims to this holy place, it has always had to work hard against great financial difficulties.
The activities of the Sevashrama fall under the following heads; The Indoor Hospital, the Outdoor Dispensary, and pecuniary and other help to poor people.
The Ramakrishna Mission Sisumangal Pratishthan, Calcutta
This institution was started at 104 Bakul Bagan Road, Bhowanipur (Telephone: Park 1542), in July, 1932, with the object of safeguarding the maternal and infantile health of the country against the appalling rate of mortality. This is sought to be attained by
giving regular hygienic instruction and efficient pre­natal care to expectant mothers through Sunday clinics, providing skilled aid during confinement either in the homes of the patients or in the hospital of the Pratishthan, taking systematic care of new-born babies up to the school-going age through home visits and bi-weekly clinics, and training women of good families in midwifery, obstetrical nursing and infant care. The Indoor Hospital is fitted with up-to-date appli­ances. A very efficient staff looks after the work of the institution, the management being placed in the hands of an influential Local Committee.
It is gratifying to note that in 1937 infantile mortality and maternal mortality were only 28 and I per thousand respectively. The result can compare"1 favourably with that of the best clinics and'-maternity hospitals in the world and is attributable to the special care taken by the staff and the spirit of service actuating them.
The institution has already succeeded in winning universal admiration as an ideal Maternity Hospital and Child Welfare Centre. The Corporation of Calcutta and the Government of Bengal have shown • their appreciation by making a large recurring and a capital grant, respectively, to the institution. In 1937, a plot of land measuring about af bighas has been purchased at 99 Lansdowne Road, off Hazra Road, and steps are being taken for the erection of suitable buildings.
The Rarnakrishna Mission Ashrama, Cawnpore
This is a growing institution situated at Rama-krishnanagar, which was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1931. Besides regular worship, Bhajana, religious classes, and the observance of the birthdays of Sri Rarnakrishna and Swami Vivekananda and
other festivals, it conducts two Boys' Schools, a Students' Home and a Library.
In 1936 the Ashrama got a large plot of land as a gift from the Cawnpore Improvement Trust for a general Hospital, and it has been shifted to the new site, on which some buildings have been erected.
The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, New Delhi
The centre at Delhi was started in the old city in 1927 as a Math doing preaching work. In 1929 an outdoor Dispensary "was added to it, and the institu­tion was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1930. "In 1933 the Ashrama developed farther by opening a Tuberculosis Clinic at Paharganj, one of the most congested quarters of the old city. In 1935 the main Ashrama was shifted to its permanent site on Ibbetson Road (off Panchkuin Road), New Delhi, which had been secured from the Government.
Both the Dispensaries did excellent work during the period under review. Besides, classes on religious topics, lectures and Bhajana for the public were organised from time to time.
The Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Lucknow
This Sevashrama had its inception in the year 1914. It was removed to its permanent quarters at Aminabad in 1924 and was converted into a branch centre of the Ramakrishna Mission in 1925. The centre runs an outdoor Dispensary and helps poor people with regular and casual allowances^'
A Night School is conducted by the Sevashrama mainly for the boys of the labouring and depressed classes. There is also a Library and Reading Room attached to the Ashrama.
The Rairiakrishna Mission Ashrama, Katihar (Purnea)
This Ashrama was started in 1926 and was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1931. It conducts two outdoor Charitable Dispensaries. A small Library lends books to the public, and regular religious classes are held and lectures organised on the birthdays of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda and other holy occasions, which are celebrated publicly.
The Ramakrishna Mission Seva Sadan, Salkia (Howrah)
This institution has been in existence since 1924. and was taken over as a branch centre by the Mission in 1931. It conducts an outdoor Charitable, Dispen­sary, and maintains a Students' Home for boys, who get their general education in the local schools and colleges. Weekly religious classes are conducted for the public.
The Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Midnapur
This Ashrama has been in existence since 1914,, and was recognised as a branch centre in 1931. It conducts an indoor Hospital, an outdoor Dispensary, two Primary Schools and a Library for the public, and gives casual help to needy persons. Religious classes and lectures are arranged from time to time. ;The Sevashrama did notable small-pox relief work in the town in 1937.
The -Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Ranchi
This Ashrama, situated at Morabadi, a secluded' quarter of the town, was started in 1927, and was recognised as a branch centre of the Mission in 1930. It has a small outdoor Dispensary attached to it. It also conducts a small library and holds regular
religious classes for the 'benefit of the public. In 1937 a new building has been added, which commands a picturesque view.
The Ramakrishna Mission Students' Home, Madras
This premier educational institution of the Mission was started in 1905 to provide free boarding and lodging to indigent students of approved merit. It was recognised as a branch centre of the Mission in 1918. Its growth throughout has been phenomenal. In 1921 it was established in spacious buildings of its * own at Mylapore. In 1922 a Residential High School was added, and in 1925 an Industrial School. The High School at Tyagarayanagar was started as a branch of the Home in 1932.
The period under review saw the construction of an additional class-room for the Industrial School, an Ahnilca Mandapa and a block of two quarters for the residential staff.
About half the students were in receipt of scholar­ships from various sources during these two years. The Home also paid proper attention' to the physical, moral and religious training of the boys, who also received tutorial guidance from the ward-masters. All the High School boys did regular work in the evenings in the gardens maintained by them. Music classes were conducted thrice a week.
The masters, many of whom are old boys of the Home, gave their best to carry on and promote its noble traditions. The Old Boys' Association also did very useful work by publishing a quarterly magazine, and by trying to keep alive a spirit of fellowship among the old boys. The Home has two excellent libraries containing about 15,000 books.
The Residential High School continued to produce good results at the public examinations and main­tained several extra-curriculum activities. Small classes, simplicity in furniture and dress, individual attention to boys, the laboratory plan of work in teaching, the teaching of Sanskrit and an obligatory course of manual training are some of the special features of the School.
The Industrial School, fully equipped with pre­cision tools and' appliances, teaches automobile engineering, and the students after completing the
' full course of five years obtain the Government L.A.E.
The general Library and the School Library,, attached to the Home were well utilised by the boys.
The branch School at Tyagarayanagar flourished remarkably, the total strength rising to 1,608 in 1937. "Owing to this unexpected rise in the number of students the school had to be divided into three sections. All lower classes and the first three forms were removed to Burkitt Road in 1936, and in 1937 a few more classes had to be removed to Bazulla Road. Steps are being taken for the construction of a substantial building. A Hostel attached to the school was opened in 1934. The school has its separate Library, Laboratory, Museum and suitable arrangements for games and physical exercises.
The Ramakrishna Mission Students' Home, Calcutta
This Students' Home was started in 1916 with the object of imparting to poor and deserving young men an efficient home-training to supplement University education by building up their character and develop­ing their potentialities. The experiment so far has been quite encouraging, and the institution was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1919. The Home
was removed in 1932 to its own premises at Gauripur (P.O. Dum-Dum), on Bishnupur Road close to jessore Road, six miles from Calcutta. The Home has its own bus for the conveyance of the students to Calcutta colleges and back. In 1937 a prayer hall was completed.
The results at the University examinations have been very satisfactory throughout the period.
Scriptural classes were held thrice a week, ex­cluding the vacations, and several religious festivals were celebrated, which, being social gatherings on a religious basis, afforded the students a healthy recrea­tion while intensifying their spiritual aspirations. A monthly manuscript magazine was conducted by the ^students. Saturday classes were held, when the students met to discuss socio-religious topics and read papers and extracts on various subjects. All house­hold duties except cooking were managed by the students, an'd the duties were distributed every month by a representative committee of the students. The Home has been recognised by the Calcutta University as a College Students' Hostel.
The Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Deoghar (Sonthal Parganas)
The Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith is a Resi­dential High School for young boys, conducted on the model of the ancient Gurukula system, which, while not precluding the assimilation of academic knowledge, seeks to lay the main stress on the develop­ment of character and a religious spirit through a combined process of self-restraint arid self-develop­ment. It was started in 1922 and was converted into a branch centre of the Mission in 1924. It is situated on an open plot of land amid picturesque natural scenery away fi'om the bustle of the town. Most of the teachers are monks of the Ramakrishna Order. A few self-sacrificing graduates have also voluteered to
serve the institution on a nomial pittance. The Vidyapith is now in a position to accommoate 130 students.
Elaborate arrangements have been made for various extra-academic activities such as physical exercise, music and excursion. The Library and Reading Room and the Laboratory got some valuable additions. The institution published a book in Bengali containing stories from Swami Vivekananda. The boys conducted the periodical Vidyapith and organ­ised themselves into various groups for debates, festi­vals and other social activities. Since 1933 practical classes have been opened in typewriting and gardening.
The institution treated local patients with homoeo­pathic medicines.
During the period under review the School build­ing has been completed, and a big well has been excavated.
The Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Perianaikenpalayam (Coinibatore)
The Vidyalaya was started in 1930 as a boarding home with only three boys. It has since developed into a full-fledged Residential High School with a rural service section extending to the surrounding villages. It was made a branch of the Ramakrishna Mission in 1934-
The individual method of instruction was intro­duced in 1937 for teaching some of the subjects, together with a compulsory course of manual training. At present tailoring, carpentry, spinning and carding are taught, and the results so far'are very encouraging. The income is deposited in a Boys' Industrial Earnings Fund, and the boys have full power to decide as to how the fund should be utilised at the end of the year.
The whole scheme of the institution has been drawn up with a view to evolving a type of education by which the boys will grow into strong and self-depend­ent youngmen. The training arouses their latent instincts of leadership and impresses on them the value of team-work. The boys, divided into groups under their captains, perform all the works of the Ashrama including cooking. They are drawn from all sections of the Hindu society irrespective of caste and are treated equally. A special feature of the institution is that the classes are sometimes taken out to the surrounding villages, where magic lantern demonstra­tions are held, and »the boys help in cleaning the sur­roundings. Religious, moral and physical training is adequately imparted along with intellectual training. Besides^the boys take part in other social and literary activities. They run a manuscript magazine called Bala Bharati.
The institution conducts two study circles and a rural library. In 1937 a Summer School with 38 resident students was run for a month for the training of rural workers. The villages around were shown educational films, and in November, 1937, a Slack Season School was conducted as a part of a scheme of adult education. The Vidyalaya also proved its usefulness to the villagers in various other ways.
Tlie Ramakrislma Mission Ashrama, Sarisha (24 Parganas)
This institution, situated 26 miles south of Calcutta on Diamond Harbour Road, devotes itself to the task of village reconstruction through an all-round education of the right type. Started in December, 1921, it was recognised as a branch centre of the Mission in 1924. The Siksha Mandir or Boys' M. E. School, to which have been added agricultural classes, supplements general and agricultural education with lessons in folk-dance and physical exercise under an
expert, and provides ample opportunities for other social activities. In the Sarada Mandir or Girls' High School academic education is supplemented by such useful subjects as cooking and physical exercise. The students of both the Schools were supplied with daily tiffin. The Ashrama also conducts a mixed U. P. School in the neighbouring village of Jangalpara.
The results in public examinations of the Schools, particularly of the Girls' Schools, have always been brilliant.
Since 1932 the Ashrama has been running a Boy Scouts Association consisting of about 40 school and college students, who undertook various kinds of social work and organised relief at the annual Jayrampur Fair.
There are two Students' Homes, one attached to the Ashrama and another in Calcutta. Some of the inmates of these Homes get pecuniary help from the Ashrama.
The Ashrama conducts a Gymnasium under the supervision of an expert teacher. The boys and girls have shown great skill in drill and sports. The Inter-school Athletic Sports Association organises annual competitive sports for young men of the sub-division. In 1936 a Physical Training Camp for Primary School teachers was organised and was attended by 19 teachers of the sub-division.
The Ashrama Library is open to the public. There are separate school libaries for the boys and girls.
The Ashrama runs an Outdoor Charitable Dis­pensary and helps indigent people with cash and clothes.
The institution receives small grants from the Government and the District Board. For the rest it has almost entirely to depend on the generosity of our countrymen, notably some Bhatia and Gujarati
merchants of Calcutta. The institution deserves the active co-operation of the benevolent public.
The Ramakrishna Mission Ashratna, Shillong (K. & J. Hills)
The work in these hills was begun thirteen years /ago with the object of diffusing a knowledge of Hinduism among the Khassia hill-tribes, about one-sixth of whom have forsaken their own faith, adopt­ing everything alien as good. The activities were confined1 to matters educational, charitable and spiritual.
After a few years' experience, it was thought <,, advisable that the work should be better organised and directed from a central place. A plot of land was purchased, accordingly, at the Laitumkhra quarter of the town of Shillong, and suitable build­ings, including a fine temple built in 1937, were put up. The Shillong centre now conducts a free Primary School. For the general public it conducts scriptural classes. The Ashrama Library was well utilised.
There is also a Primary School at Nongwar, 8 miles from Cherrapunji. An M. E. School was con­ducted at Sheila, 40 miles from Shillong. The Library has 150 books. There is also a Charitable Dispensary at the place.
At Cherrapunji, 32 miles from Shillong, a High School affiliated to the Calcutta University and a Primary School are being run. The school Library has 410 books. There is also a Hostel for boys, for which a permanent building was erected in 1937.
The Sister Nivedita Girls' School and Sarada Mandir, Calcutta
This Girls' School at 5, Nivedita Lane, Bagh-bazar, was started by Sister Nivedita (Miss Margaret E. Noble) in 1902 to give proper education to Hindu
girls. She wanted each of them to be loyal to the ideals of the race and filled with a passion for service. While keeping intact her tenderness and humanity, her great power of service and her silent self-efface­ment, which go to make her the centre of the Hindu home, the School has all along been endeavouring to make her more efficient in the household duties and the arts and crafts auxiliary to them. It is the aim of the institution to train the students in such a way that they may be able to solve their own problems.
The institution was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1918, and its usefulness is amply borne out by the ever-increasing rush for admission. The School teaches up to the Matriculation standard, and1" is taken care of by nineteen lady teachers, eight of whom are honorary workers. The teaching is entirely free. Along with Bengali, Sanskrit, mathematics, history and geography, were taught drawing, music, needlework, rules of hygiene, and house-keeping. Religious training was an important part of the curriculum. Special scriptural classes and occasional lectures were arranged from time to time for the inmates.
The Sarada Mandir or Hostel attached to the School accommodates students, who live under the motherly care of resident lady teachers. The School has got a decent Library and Reading Room., It also possesses a bus and a motor car.
The Vivekananda Society, Jamshedpur (Singhbhum )
This is one of the popular institutions of the town, doing mostly educational and some philanthropic work. Started in the year 1919, it was taken over as a branch! centre by the Mission in 1927. The Society runs four Day Schools and a Night School,
all being free Primary Schools. Some boys are accommodated in the attached Students' Home. The Jamshedpur Mahila Samiti held weekly meetings and classes as well as the annual meeting and Exhibition in the Society's Hall. The Vivekananda Library and Reading Room situated in the Society's premises
/and its branch at the Ashrama on the bank of the Subarnarekha, away from the din of the town, were maintained as usual.
The philanthropic activities of the Society included nursing of the sick in the local Hospital or in their own homes, cremation of the dead and free supply of firewood for this purpose, and occasional
i help in cash or kind to indigent people. The Society also co-operates with the Tata Welfare Department of the Steel'Company whenever necessary.
Regular religious classes and occasional lectures were organised, and the birthday anniversaries of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda were duly celebrated.
The Society has secured a site from the Steel Company for the Dinshaw Memorial Hall and Library, and steps are being taken for erecting a suitable building. During the period under review two free Reading Rooms and Libraries were' maintained— one at the Society's premises and the other at the Subarnarekha branch.
The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Faridpur
The Ashrama was founded in 1921, but was turned into a branch centre of the Mission in 1934. The main work of the Ashrama is educational. It conducts an M. E. School for girls and a Primary School for Harijans. It also accommodates some students. Regular religious classes are held in and outside the Ashrama. A small Library is open to the
public. Besides, there is an outdoor Dispensary attached to it.
The Ramakrishna Mission Industrial School, Belur (Howrah)
Started in 1921 as a part of the Mission Head­quarters work, this Industrial School was made a branch centre in 1930. It has secured recognition from the Department of Industries, Bengal, as also from many who believe the spread of the Industrial and Agricultural education in the country to be of national importance.
The course of study comprises cabinet-making, weaving, dyeing and calico-printing, and tailoring. The improvement in the standard of training under' competent teachers has been maintained in al1 sections. Good articles were turned out in the workshops, and they commanded a ready sale. The training in industrial subjects was supplemented by a subsidiary course of instruction and practical work in agri­culture, so that the students might be fully equipped for an independent career in rural areas. In the attached Students' Home, most of the boys, being poor, were given free board and lodging. The indigent among the day scholars were also helped with stipends. The studies and activities of the boys after school hours were under the close supervision of the Warden. Almost the whole of household work and management was in the hands of the students. Twice they staged dramas, which were much appreciated by the audience. Along with regular religious training and physical exercise, music also received proper attention. The health of the inmates during the period.was satisfactory.
The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Barnagore, Calcutta
Started in the year 1912 as an Orphanage, this institution has during the last few years added to it
many other activities. It was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1924. It runs a Primary School. Vocational training was given to the boys in various subjects. Grown-up boys were sent to the local High Schools. .The Sanskrit Chatushpathi did creditable work under its competent teacher. The boys of the Ashrama showed good results in the public examina­tions. There is a Library and Reading Room attached to the Ashrama. Rendering medical aid through the outdoor Dispensary attached to the Ashrama, nurs­ing the helpless and the sick of the locality in their own homes and giving occasional doles of rice to the needy were some other activities of the Ashrama.
The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Patna
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Patna (P. O. Banki-pore) was started in 1922 and was recognised as a branch centre of the Mission in 1930. During the period under review special religious discourses were arranged from time to time by the Ashrama. Attached to the Ashrama is a Students' Home—a college students' hostel run on the lines of a Brahmacharya Ashrama. The Ashrama has been conducting a free Primary School, called the Adbhutananda Pathsala, for which a new house has been built. The Night School has been converted into a Day School and has been shifted to a neighbouring village named Kankarbagh. The Ashrama undertook some petty additions and altera­tions to the existing structures, but suitable buildings are still needed to accommodate the different activities of the Ashrama. The attention of the generous public is invited to this promising institution in the capital of Bihar.
The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Sargachhi (Murshidabad)
This is the oldest Ashrama of the Ramakrishna Mission, having been started in'the year 1897 by the
late Swami Akhandananda, a disciple of Sri Rama-krishna. The Ashrama has for its object the improvement of education and ^sanitation in and around the village. It was made'a branch centre of the Mission in 1911. It maintains an Orphanage and conducts a Day and a Night School, both of which are free.
The outdoor Charitable Dispensary treats local patients, who are also served with free diet and injec­tions, whenever required. The Ashrarna maintains a small library and organises occasional classes and lectures in the town of Berhampore, six miles off.
The Ramakrishna Mission, Barisal
This institution was started in 1904 and was c turned into a branch centre of the Mission' in iqii. It has been located in its own premises since 1930. During the period under review, temporary help or monthly aid was given to some persons, some patients ' were nursed in their own homes, a few were treated with medicine and diet or were taken to the local hospital, and some cataract cases were -operated. Religious classes were conducted in and outside the Ashrama. Public lectures were also organised on various occasions, which were very successful.
A number of poor and deserving students were accommodated in the Students' Home attached to the centre. Some paying students, who wanted to be benefited by the training, were also admitted. All attempts were made to make them active, self-reliant youths with a taste for service and sacrifice.
The centre maintains a Library, which is open to the public.
The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Calcutta
In order to commemorate the first Birth Centenary of Sri Ramakrishna, the above Institute
of Culture was started by the Ramakrishna Mission in January, 1938, in fulfilment of one of the projects of the Sri Ramakrishna Centenary Committee. It will have for its object the carrying out and realisation of the universal teachings of that great Seer of modern India through the study and promo­tion of the creative achievements and spiritual '.^experiences of the diverse races, castes, classes and communities of mankind on a scientific, comparative and cosmopolitan basis.
The Institute will attempt in its humble way to supply the cultural and spiritual foundations of a new personality among the men and women of the world, and equip them as proper and adequate instruments . for the establishment of world peace, genuine internationalism and a really humane culture on earth.
The activities of the Institute will comprise (i) lectures, (2) classes, (3) a journal, (4) research work, (5) the publication of books, (6) the foundation of lectureships, research and travelling fellowships, etc. and (7) me establishment of cultural relations with different countries of the world. It is at present located at the Albert Hall, 15, College Square (2nd floor).
The Ramakrishna Math and Mission, Madras
The Madras Math, situated on JBrodies Road, Mylapore, is one of the premier institutions of the Ramakrishna Order, as it is also one of the earliest, having been started in the year 1897 by the late Swami Ramakrishnananda. It has all aloKg shown a brilliant record of activities mainly in the direction of preaching and publication. Regular worship, scriptural classes and Bhajana were conducted by the Swamis during the period under review at the Math premises and at the Ramakrishna Mandiram, TriphV cane. Moral and religious instruction was given to the students of the Mission Students' Home at Mylapore, and at the Girls' School, George Town. The Swamis of the Math delivered religious lectures; and discourses at the invitation of several' Societies and Associations not only in and about the city, but also in the different districts of the Presidency.
The publication department has continued to flourish. Vedanta Kesari, the English monthly, reached its twenty-second year in 1935 and Rama­krishna Vijayam, the Tamil monthly, its fifteenth year. The Math has published a good number of English, Tamil and Telugu books, some of which were reprinted during the period under review.
The'Charitable Dispensary attached -to the Math has been progressing- steadily. It has now four,
attending physicians and has attracted patients even from distant suburbs.
In addition to the Math described above, there is also a Mission centre at Madras which undertakes philanthropic activities.
In the Colony for labouring classes named Ramakrishnapuram at Mylapore, the Mission has erected a large shed with a shrine for common wor­ship, and around it has sprung up a colony of more than one hundred houses. Weekly Bhajana is con­ducted, and simple class-talks on religion are given once a week.
In 1936 the Mission branch undertook Cyclone "Relief in the Guntur district, in which 334 huts were rebuilt, arid foodstuffs, cloth and looms were distrib­uted among the villagers.
The Rarnakrishna Mission Ashrama, Bombay
This Ashrama, situated at Khar, a flourishing -suburb of Bombay, has, since its inception in 1923, been doing good work in the city and suburbs, and its beneficent influence is being felt throughout the Presidency. In 1932 a branch of the Mission was opened at Khar, and the Charitable Dispensary and Library attached to the Ashrama were placed under it. The Library, which is a decent one containing a large number of philosophical and theological books, was accessible to the public.
In 1933 the Mission branch started a Students' Home with the object of supplementing University education by cultural and spiritual education. Oppor­tunities are created to-influence the students of the city through this Home.
The Ashrama conducted regular worship. The Swamis of the Ashrama held religious classes in the Ashrama and different parts of the city. They were
also invited by different Associations of the city to deliver lectures, and undertook lecturing tours in the Presidency.
The Ramakrishna Math and the Mission Charitable Dispensary, Bhubaneswar (Puri)
This monastery was founded under the auspices of the late Swami Brahmananda, the first President of the Order, in 1919. Regular worship and religious classes were conducted. The Swamis occasionally went out to the villages, propagating the message of the Master. The birthday of Swami Brahmananda was celebrated with great eclat.
This Math also supervises the Ramakrishna^ Mission Charitable Dispensary, started in 1920, which has been doing good to thousands of sifik people, including pilgrims.
The free Primary School started in 1933 contin­ued its good work during the period under review.
The Sanskrit Chatushpathi opened at the Math in 1933 for the monks of the Order turned out good work under a qualified teacher.
Lantern lectures and public meetings were organ­ised in various places in connection with the Centen­ary celebrations of Sri Ramakrishna.
In 1937 the centre undertook relief work during the Orissa flood, and with help from the Headquarters served a large number of people.
The Ramakrishna Math and Mission Sevashrama, Bankura
This Math was started nr the year 1917. During the period under review it conducted regular worship and religious classes. The -Library was open to the public. Lectures were arranged on the birthdays of the great Founders of religions.
The Charitable Dispensary attached to it was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1932. Pecuni­ary help was given to poor people, particularly students.
Besides conducting one Primary School for the depressed classes, the centre imparted education on Homoeopathic Therapeutics to a number of youngmen and accommodated some of them in the Ashrama.
The centre took an active part during the Bankura Famine Relief operations in 1936 and in co-operation with the Headquarters, raised money and organised many relief centres in the district. Small-pox Relief was also undertaken in the same year, in the village -Kedardanga, and in 1937 similar relief was under­taken in different parts of the town with help from the Headquarters.
The centre added a small building during the period and acquired a plot of land measuring about 1.43 acres.
The Ramakrohna Math and Mission Sevashrama, Allahabad
This Math, located at Muthiganj, has, ever since its inception in the year 1908, been presided over by Swami Vijnanananda, late President of the Rarna-krishna Math and Mission, whose spiritual advice was a source of perennial comfort to those who associated with him.
The Mission Sevashrama at Allahabad was started in 1910 and has since been rendering useful service to the poor and helpless through its outdoor Dis­pensary.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama and Mission Sevashrama, Tamluk (Midnapur)
This is one of the popular institutions of the town. Started in the year 1914, it was recognised as a branch
centre of the Mission in 1929. The Sevashrama main­tains an indoor Hospital and an outdoor Dispensary, occasionally nurses patients in their own homes and distributes cloth, blankets, rice and small cash to some deserving persons.
Cholera Relief work was undertaken in some villages of the sub-division in 1937, when 25 patients were treated. The Sevashrama undertook Paus Sankranti Relief work in 1937.
The Primary School started in 1934 has become very popular. The Circulating Library and the Reading Room have also maintained their popularity. Extensive preaching work including classes, meetings and lantern lectures was undertaken in the sub-divi-^ sion, with the help of the Swamis from the Belur Math.
The Ashrama conducted daily worship and Bhajana, and celebrated the anniversaries of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama and Mission Sevashrama, Narayanganj (Dacca)
Although the institution was started in 1909, the Sevashrama was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1922. The Sevashrama conducts a Charitable Dispensary. During the period under review it accommodated a few poor students, distributed some rice as,doles, and helped a number of people with money. The Durgacharan Library, and the Reading Room were used by a large number of readers.
The Ashrama at Narayanganj, like other Math centres, conducted regular worship, religious classes, anniversary celebrations, etc. .
The Matrimandir and Sarada Sevashrama, Jayrambati (Bankura)
The Matrimandir (P.O. Desra), established in 1920 to perpetuate the blessed memory of the Holy
Mother in the village of her nativity, has been doing good work. Daily worship was conducted in it, and, among other things, the Holy Mother's birthday and two other festivals were celebrated.
The Sevashrama, made a branch centre of the Mission in 1930, conducts an outdoor Charitable Dispensary and a Primary School.
The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Mymensing
This Ashrama was started in the year 1922 and is now situated in a secluded corner of the town. Besides regular worship, Bhajana and scriptural classes, occasional lectures were arranged in or out of the Ashrama. The birthdays of the great Masters were also duly observed.
A Mission centre was opened in 1931, which runs an outdoor'Dispensary, a Library which is open to the public, and a small Students' Home.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama and Mission Sevashrama, Sonargaon (Dacca)
This centre, situated at Tajpur (P.O. Aminpur), was started in 1915. The Sevashrama was converted into a branch centre of the Mission in 1925. Besides conducting an outdoor Dispensary and a free Library, which is open to the public, the Sevashrama accom­modated some poor students and gave monthly or occasional help to a number of poor families.
The Ashrama conducted regular classes, worship, Bhajana, etc., and organised occasional lectures.
The Ramakrishna Math and Mission, Dacca
The activities of the Dacca centre date back to the year 1899, when the first preachers were sent there
from the Headquarters. .The Seva department was added in-1908, and the monastic workers took charge of the centre in 1914. It was recognised as a branch centre of the Mission in 1916.
The Mission centre at Dacca conducts an outdoor Dispensary. During the period under review rice was distributed to a number of needy families as monthly doles. Pecuniary help was given to some indigent people and poor students. Some clothes also were distributed.
The centre supervised a free Primary School for girls at Brahmankitta, a village in the district, and conducted another in the town. The Boys' M. E. School in the Ashrama got its own building in 1935. A second Boys' School was conducted in the town.
Weekly religious classes were held in the Mission premises as well as other parts of the town, and occa­sional lecture tours were undertaken to different places of the district. The Library and the Reading Room were run as usual. There is also a small branch at another locality of the town.
Regular worship, Bhajana and the celebration of religious festivals as well as the birthdays of the great Teachers of the world were the principal Math activ­ities of this centre.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama and Mission Sevashrama, Contai (Midnapur)
The institution had its origin in the year 1913, but the Sevashrama was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1927. The Sevashrama maintains a Charitable Dispensary. Many sick persons were nursed in their own homes, and some dead bodies were cremated.
During the period under review the Sevashrama conducted an L. P. School for girls and a U. P. School for boys at Belda (Contai Road), thirty-five
miles off, as well as a U. P. School for girls and an H. E. School for boys at Mansadwip in the Sunder-bans. Attached to the H. E. School is an agricul­tural section, in which there are 50 boys.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama and Mission Seva Samiti, Sylhet
This institution has been in existence since the year 1916, but the Seva Samiti was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1926. The Samiti conducted in the neighbouring villages one M. E. and three Primary Schools for boys, two Primary Schools for girls and two Night Schools. It maintained three „ public Libraries at Sylhet, Devpur and Agna and had a branch Dispensary at Devpur.
The Seva Samiti at the Karimganj sub-centre conducted two L. P. Schools and one Night School. The outdoor Dispensary attached to the centre was run as usual.
Both the centres nursed some patients in their own homes. Besides, some poor people were helped with cash and in kind.
The Ashrama devoted itself mainly to holding regular Bhajana and religious classes, organising lectures, and celebrating the anniversaries of the great Masters.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama and Mission Seva Samiti, Habiganj (Sylhet)
This institution was started in the year 1920, but the Seva Samiti was recognised as a branch centre of the Mission in 1926. The main activities of the latter consist in imparting education, secular and religious, to cobblers and members of other depressed classes in the district, and in organising suitable home indus­tries for the improvement of their economic condition. The Samiti conducted two Night Schools and two
Primary Schools at Gosainagar, Daulatpur, Chaitpur and .Charipur. A small public Library and Reading Room was conducted at Habiganj.
/ The Samiti nursed some patients in their own homes, and distributed rice and some pieces of cloth to the poor. In 1937 Cholera Relief was undertaken at Gosainagar, where 20 patients were provided with diet and medicines, and 142 persons were given preventives.
The Gosainagar Shoe Factory established by the Ashrama was run by the villagers themselves with substantial help from the Ashrama, and so were the two Co-operative Societies at Gosainagar and Daulat­pur.
The Ashrama conducted regular worship and religious classes and organised occasional lectures and discourses, besides celebrating the birthday anniver­saries of the great Masters.
The RamakrJshna Ashrama and Mission Rural Uplift Work, Chanclipur (Midnapur)
This Ashrama, started in the year 1916, is situ­ated in the rural area of the Midnapur district. Daily worship and scriptural classes were held, and occa­sional religious lectures were arranged. The outdoor Dispensary was run as usual. A number of patients were nursed in their own homes. In 1937 the Ashrama organised Cholera Relief work in the vil­lages. Altogether 22 persons were treated and 450 inoculated. Occasional relief work was undertaken in the local fairs.
The Ashrama maintains a U. P. School for boys and girls. There is a small Library in the Ashrama, which is open to the public.
In 1937 a Mission branch for rural uplift was established at Magrajpur, a neighbouring village inhabited by people of the depressed classes. A
Primary School and a Dispensary have been started, and other measures for rural improvement are under consideration.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama and Mission Sevashrama, Baliati (Dacca)
This centre completed its twenty-sixth year in 1937. The Sevashrama, which was made a branch centre of the Mission in 1925, conducts a mixed Primary School for boys and girls, a Library and a Reading Room, and doles out rice to indigent people.
The Ashrama, in common with other Math centres, conducted regular worship, scriptural classes, Bhajana, etc.
The Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati (Almora)
It was the cherished object of Swami Vivekananda to found an Ashrama in the heart of the Himalayas, where the Advaita, or the doctrine of the oneness of all existence, might be taught and practised in its pure form, free from all compromises. For this purpose the Advaita Ashrama was established by him in 1899 at Mayavati, in the district of Almora, U. P. Dis­carding all ceremonials which teach dependence, the Ashrama, though in full sympathy with all other systems, is specially dedicated to Advaita. Regular classes on Vedanta are held, and the Ashrama seeks to produce strong and self-reliant characters through study, reflection and meditation.
This is the chief publication centre of the Ramakrishna Order, the most notable of its publica­tions being The Complete Works of Swami Viveka­nanda in seven volumes. Prabuddha Bharata (Awakened India), the English Vedanta monthly conducted by the Ashrama, completed its forty-second year in 1937. It has acquired a distinct place in Indian religious journalism.
During the period under review the Ashrama published the Brahma-Sutras, with elaborate notes, based principally on the commentary of Sankara-charya, by Swami Vireswarananda, Spiritual Talks and Message of our Master by the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, Veda and Vedanta by E. P. Horwitz and Essentials of Hinduism by Swami Vivekananda. It also reprinted the following books in English: Raja-Yoga, Jnana-Yoga, Karma-Yoga, Bhakti-Yoga, Spiritual Teachings, In the Hours of Meditation,
Spiritual Practices, Life of Ramaknshna and the Ten Minor Upanishads. The Publication Department of the Ashrama, which is located at 4, Wellington Lane, Calcutta, pays great attention to the get-up of the books.
A Charitable Dispensary, opened in 1903 by the Ashrama, has been doing excellent service through its Outdoor and Indoor departments to the poor of the surrounding villages within a radius of 20 miles, the doctor often visiting the neighbouring villages to render service to such patients as are not able to come to the Hospital.
The Ramaknshna Math, Baghbazar, Calcutta
The nucleus of this Math was laid in the year 1899 in a rented house. It was removed to its permanent site at i, Mukherjee Lane in 1909. Since then it was the Calcutta residence of the Holy Mother, and it was here that she finally entered Mahasamadhi. The place is therefore an abiding source of spiritual inspiration to hundreds of devotees. In addition to the usual routine of a monastery, a small library was run, and a weekly class on the Bhagavata was held.
This is one of the chief publication centres of the Ramakrishna Order. It has published most of the works of Swami Vivekananda and the Bengali translations of most of his English works, as well as the works of Swami Saradananda and others, 17 of which were reprinted during the period under review. Three new books called Sri Sri Mayer Kathd (Con­versations of the Holy Mother), Dharmaprasange Swami Brahmananda (Spiritual Talks of Swami Brahmananda) and Sri Ramakrishner Kathd 0 Galpa (Parables of Sri Ramakrishna) were published during the period under review. The Udbodhan, a Bengali monthly magazine started by Swami Vivekananda, completed its thirty-eighth year in 1937.
The Ramakrishna Advaita Ashrama, Benares
This Ashrama, started at Laksa in the year 1902 by .the late Swami Shivananda in the premier holy ' city of, India, contiguous to the Home of Service, pro­vides facilities for spiritual advancement to the monastic members of the Ramakrishna Order, a large number of whom are maintained by the Ashrama. Regular scriptural classes were held during the period under review, which were fairly attended.
The Ashrama conducts a Library, which was well utilised by the readers. It contains a good number of books on religious, scientific and historical subjects, besides a valuable collection of Sanskrit philosophical works.
The Ashrama celebrated the importarit Hindu festivals and the birthday anniversaries of Sri Rama­krishna and Swami Vivekananda.
The Gadadhar Ashrama, Calcutta
This Ashrama, started in 1921 at 86A, Harish Chatterjee Street, Bhowanipur, continued its spiritual activities. Regular worship and weekly classes on the Bhagavata were conducted for the benefit of the in­mates of the Ashrama as also of the public.
The Veda Vidyalaya, established in 1926 for the spread of Sanskrit culture, arranged regular classes on Nyaya, Vedanta and other allied branches of Sanskrit learning. It had 43 students on its rolls in 1935, four of whom lived in the Ashrama. The students showed brilliant results in public examinations during the period under review.
The Ashrama has a Library with a valuable collection of scriptural and philosophical works together with a few choice books on Hindu culture.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Nagpur
Though the foiindation-stone of the Ashrama was laid in 1925, actual work began in 1928. Since then it has made steady, progress. It conducts two Charitable Dispensaries, one in the Ashrama prem­ises at Craddock Town and the other in a village called Khambla.
Five weekly religious classes were held in different localities of the town, and public lectures were arranged in some other towns of the Province. The public Library and Reading Room conducted by the Ashrama was largely patronised.
There is a Students' Home attached to the Ashrama. Religious classes were held for the inmates of the Home. They run an organisation called the " Students' Study Circle," which arranged debates by students, besides public meetings, to discuss important problems. There is a free Gymnasium, the average attendance being 25.
The Ashrama has undertaken the publication of the works of Swami Vivekananda in Hindi and Marathi. The following books have either been published or are going through the Press: My Master and Chicago Addresses in Marathi; East and West, Realisation and its Methods and Premyoga in Hindi. The Ashrama has also published in Marathi a Life of Sri Ramakrishna in two volumes, Sri Ramakrishna Vaksudha and an abridged Life of Sri Ramakrishna.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Karachi
This new Ashrama, started in 1936 at Garden Quarter, Karachi, is the first centre of the Rama­krishna Order in Sind. Within this short period it has gained a permanency which is evidenced by its purchase, in the veiy year of its inception, of a house with a fine plot of land, on which a temple has recently been erected. It is mainly a preaching centre and arranges frequent scriptural classes and occasional
lectures for the benefit of the public. It also con­ducts, besides regular worship and Bhajana, a small Library.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Bangalore
This Ashrama was founded in 1903 under the auspices of the late Swami Ramakrishnananda, and was removed to its present site at Basavangudi in 1908. Situated in a healthy locality, the Ashrama provides a congenial place for meditation and prayer. Regular worship and Bhajana were performed, and the birth­day anniversaries of the great Masters were celebrated with appropriate ceremonies.
The Ashrama conducted two weekly classes, one at the Ashrama premises and the other at Ulsoor. , Moral and religious instruction was imparted to the inmates of the Bangalore Central Jail. There is a small Library open to the public. A large number of young men of the town have been attracted to the Ashrama. Organised into a body called the Viveka-Sadhana, they conducted Bhajana, debates and a Night School. A Gymnasium for them is under con­struction.
The Swamis also organised meetings and deliv­ered lectures in the town as also in many places within the State. Two books in Canarese, one on the life and the other on the teachings of Sri Rama­krishna, were reprinted, while a third, on the life of Srimat Durga Charan Nag, was newly published.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Mysore
The Mysore Ashrama is situated in one of the best extensions of the city, Vontikoppal. Started in the year 1925, it was removed to its present premises in 1931.- Besides regular worship and Bhajana, the Ashrama conducted in 1936 weekly religious classes in and outside the Ashrama, notably in five Students' Hostels and three Schools of the city. In 1937 classes
were held in three more institutions. Under the auspices of the Ramakrishna Seva Samiti, the Ashrama conducted rural welfare work in Padavarahalli, in the outskirts of Mysore, where religious discourses, lantern lectures, cinema shows, a Night School, co­operative and educational dramas, etc., were organ­ised. The Ashrama Library was well utilised by the public, specially students.
Through the generous help of His Highness the Maharaja of Mysore, the Study Circle, established in 1932 to give the monks of the Ramakrishna Order a course of training in Eastern and Western Philosophy, Sociology, Comparative Religion and Scientific Out­look, continued to produce its beneficent results. Five monks in 1936 and five others in 1937 availed them­selves of the opportunity thus offered.
The birthdays of the great Teachers and Founders of religions were observed with due solemnity. The Swamis of the Ashrama addressed various local insti­tutions and associations, and undertook lecturing tours in the Province, as also in Coorg and South Canara.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Qotacamund
This Ashrama, situated in one of the beauty spots of the " Queen of Hill Stations," was started in the year 1926. During the period under review it con­ducted regular worship, and three weekly classes for the public in and outside the Ashrama. Occasional lectures and discourses were arranged, and preaching tours were undertaken in the adjoining districts.
The Library and Reading Room attached to the Ashrama has more than 1,500 volumes of selected works in English and.Tamil, and was open to the public.
The birthday anniversaries of the great Founders of religions and some important religious festivals were observed.
The Ramakrishna Math, Conjeeveram (Chingleput)
THis monastery in the holy city of Kanchi was founded in the year 1932. It has since been steadily growing in popularity and making its healthy influence felt all around. It has a decent building of its own. During the period under review regular religious classes were held by the Swarms, and occasional lectures and discourses were given in and outside the Math.
The public Library and Reading Room attached to the Math is the only one of its kind in the city, and is doing valuable work.
The birthdays of the great religious Teachers and , Prophets of the world were duly observed.
The Ramakrishna Math, Nattarampalli (North Arcot)
The Math completed twenty-seven years of its useful life in 1937. Regular worship, weekly religious classes and Bhajana were conducted, and occasional lectures and discourses were arranged both in the Math and outside. Moral instruction was imparted to the children of the local school.
A Night School for adults was conducted, and some students were accommodated in the Math. It also celebrated the birthdays of Sri Ramakrishna; Swami Vivekananda and other saints.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Trichur (Cochin)
The beginning of this Ashrama dates from the starting of the Vivekodaya Samajam in 1915, but it was recognised by the Math Headquarters in 1929. It is rapidly developing into an important centre of education. Its educational activities commenced in the year 1924, when the Ramakrishna Gurukula and
Vidyamandira were ushered into existence for impart­ing education mainly to Harijan boys and girls. The work expanded gradually, and the institution was divided into the following sections: a Gurukula for boys, a Gurukula for girls and a Vidyamandira con­sisting of a High School, a Primary section and an Industrial section.
In the Industrial section vocational training is given to the boys in weaving, mat-making, knitting, embroidery, etc. The Primary section teaches both boys and girls, from whom no tuition fee is charged. The High School is recognised by the Government, and the students have shown good results in the Scholarship Examination. In the Gurukulas the boys and girls, who were all free boarders, lived under the supervision of highly qualified resident teachers, who also taught in the Day School. The inmates live a , simple open-air life, folio-wing a daily routine of self-help and study. Due attention is paid to their spiritual development through daily religious classes, worship and prayers. .
The Ashrama exerted itself fully for the economic and cultural uplift of the Harijan masses. It possesses a small printing press and conducts a journal called Prabuddha Bharala in Malayalam. Weekly classes were conducted in the Viyyur Central Jail.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Tiruvella (Travancore)
This Ashrama, came into existence in 1920. Situated in the heart of the Travancore State, it exerts its influence over a wide area, and is looked up to for spiritual guidance by many people all around. Besides conducting regular worship and religious classes in the locality, the Ashrama co-ordinates and guides the activities of the sub-centres at Adoor, Muvattupuzhai, Neyyur, Erukulam and Ednad.
The Saradashrama, Ponnampet (Coorg)
This Ashrama, situated among the hills of Coorg was started in 1927. It has since grown steadily, and has won the appreciation of the Government and the public. Regular worship and religious classes are conducted. The birthdays of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda were elaborately celebrated. The Ashrama has been teaching scientific methods of bee-culture to rural people. It has a small Library.
In 1936 Coorg Honey and Wax Producers'Society was started under the auspices of the Ashrama,which did valuable work among the villagers. Ihework has been highly appreciated by the CoorgGovernment.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Rajkoi
This centre in the heart of Kathiawar was started in 1927 and has made good progress. It has sue-ceeded in winning the sympathy of some of the Ruling Princes of Kathiawar. The Swamis conducted regular religious classes in and outside the Ashrama and arranged occasional lectures and discourses. Bhajana was an important part of the activities of the Ashrama.
The Ashrama Library is a fairly good one. The Reading Room attached to it is well attended by the public. A Dispensary was started in 1937. A number of students were helped with stipends. The birthday anniversaries of almost all the great World-Teachers were celebrated. The Ashrama has also published a few Gujarati books.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Dinajpur
The Ashrama completed the fourteenth year of its existence in 1937. Religious classes were regularly conducted in and out of the Ashrama premises. Ihe Swami in charge held weekly classes in the local jail. During the anniversaries of the great Masters lectures
were organised. The Charitable Dispensary attached to the Ashrama helped local people with Allopathic and Homoeopathic medicines. The Ashrama conducts four schools, one of which teaches up to Class VI, while the others are L. P. Schools. It also conducts a small Library.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Malda
This Ashrama was started in the year 1924. During the period under review regular scriptural classes and Bhajana were held, and occasional festivals were celebrated. The Ashrama conducted three Night Schools for the lower classes in the town and a Dis­pensary, besides nursing a number of patients in their own homes. Public lectures and discoruses were arranged 8 in the town and villages, and lantern lectures in the latter.
The Ashrama has a Library, which was utilised by the public. During the Malda Flood in 1936 the Ashrama organised relief with help from the Head­quarters.
The Ramakrishna Math, Puri
This centre in the holy city of Puri was opened in 1932. It is situated at Chakratirtha, directly on the sea, of which it commands a magnificent view. Being at a considerable distance from the congested quarters, the Math is an ideal place for leading a contemplative life. It has got a nice building, where, among other things, regular worship is performed.
The Ramakrishna Kutir, Almora
This Himalayan centre was founded in the year 1918 under the auspices of the late Swami Turiya-nanda, a disciple of the Master. Situated amidst beautiful surroundings, with a healthy climate, it provides excellent facilities for meditation and study. It has a small Library.
The Vivekananda Ashrama, Shyamala Tal (Almora)
This is another retreat in the Himalayas (P.O. Sukhidhang), which was founded in the year 1914. The Charitable Dispensary, called the Ramakrishna Sevashrama, attached to the Ashrama has proved a boon to the poor, sick hill-people for many miles around. It treats both indoor and outdoor patients.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Kishenpur (Dehra-Dun)
This Ashrama (P.O. Rajpur) was started in 1916 in a picturesque valley five miles above Dehra-Dun, on the road to Mussoorie. It is a delightful place for meditation. It has a pretty good Library and a small outdoor Dispensary.
The Ramakrishna Sevashrama, Garbeta (Midnapur)
This Ashrama completed its twentieth year in 1937. It conducts an outdoor Dispensary, as also a mixed Primary School and a Night School.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Jamtara (Sonthal Parganas)
This monastery was started in the year 1921, and on account of its dry climate has been a health resort for the sick members of the Order. Regular worship is performed. Attached to the Ashrama there is a small Charitable Dispensary as well as a small Library.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Bagerhat (Khulna)
This centre was started in 1926. During the period under review scriptural classes were regularly held in and outside the Ashrama. The birthdays of
Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and the Holy Mother were celebrated with proper ceremonies. The special feature of the last-named function was that ladies took a prominent part in it. There is a small Library as well as a Primary School in the Ashrama. A temple was completed in 1937.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Jahndi (Faridpur)
This Ashrama was started in 1918 and was recognised as a Math centre in 1931. It has a small Library. Religious classes were held regularly, and some patients were nursed in their own homes.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Koalpara (Bankura)
This old Ashrama, situated on the road to Jayrambati at a distance of four miles from it, is a quiet retreat, where regular worship, Bhajana, etc., are performed.
The Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Rangoon
Started in 1921 on an extensive plot of land lent by the Government, in some structures provided by the Corporation of Rangoon, the Sevashrama was made a branch centre of the Mission in the next year. It has since put up some more buildings. It is situated on Merchant Street, off Thompson Street, East Rangoon (Telephone: Central 1087).
Its services to hundreds of thousand sick Narayanas hailing from distant places and speaking diverse tongues are being increasingly appreciated both by the Government and the public. The institu­tion is making rapid progress in all directions. Certain major improvements were carried out during the period under review. The Eye Ward, erected in 1936, has widened the scope of work of the insti­tution.
The Sevashrama, which is the second largest Hospital in Burma, maintains an indoor Hospital, with separate Female Wards under the supervision of a lady doctor, and an outdoor Dispensary. As regards the volume of work in these departments, it is easily the first among the Mission institutions. Its efficiency of treatment is also no less conspicuous.
The Ramakrishna Mission Society, Rangoon
After twenty years of existence in different forms, the Society was made over to the Mission in 1921.
The growing popularity of the Library and Reading Room conducted by the Society has necessitated the construction on Thompson Street, corner of Dalhousie Street, of a permanent three-storied building, which was taken up1 in 1937. On the completion of the ground floor the Library has been removed to its new premises. Besides the main Library and Reading Room there is a Tamil Ladies' Library.
The Guest House, known as " Shashi Niketan," was useful to casual visitors to the city. Regular classes and occasional lectures were arranged, and the birthdays of Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and the Holy Mother were celebrated.
IN CEYLON Tho Ramakrishna Mission (Ceylon Branch)
In the year 1924 three Ashramas were started in Ceylon, viz. at Trincomalie, Jaffna and Batticaloa, which did mostly educational work. In 1929 an Ordinance incorporating the Ramakrishna Mission (Ceylon Branch) was passed by the Ceylon Legislative Council.
The centre in Colombo (Sri Wickrama Road, Wellawatta), was established in 1930. In 1935 it acquired for the purpose of an Ashrama a piece of land, a few furlongs from the "Wellawatta Station and facing the sea. The buildings erected thereon were formally opened in February, 1936, and in the present year a temple and a prayer-hall were added. Colombo . is a preaching centre, which conducts regular worship and religious classes, frequently arranges lectures, and observes the birthday anniversaries of the great Masters. The Ashrama has been able to attract people of all denominations for its liberal views. It has also a Library and a Reading Room.
The Mission in Ceylon conducts several educa­tional institutions grouped under the three centres at Jaffna, Trincomalie and Batticaloa. At Trincomalie
it is running an English and a Tamil school. At Batticaloa there are ten Tamil schools and one English school, to which is attached an Orphanage. Besides these, a Tamil and an English school at Jaffna are being managed by the Mission with the help of the local people.
All the schools showed steady progress during the period under review. They were looked after by 7& teachers.
A Library and a Reading Room are conducted at Batticaloa in the Vivekananda Hall, and the birth­day anniversary of Swami Vivekananda is observed. This centre also runs the Shivananda Library and Reading Room.
In Kalmunai, 13 miles from Batticaloa, the Mission has got a plot of land and a building, where the birthday of Sri Ramakrishna is celebrated, and occasional lectures are arranged.
Moral and religious instruction was given to the inmates of the Mantivu Leper Asylum and the Batti­caloa Jail.
IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS The Ramakrishna Mission, Singapore
This Mission centre at Singapore was started in 1928 in response to a growing demand on the part of the local public for the ideas of the Ramakrishna Mission. It has got a building of its own at 9 Norris Road.
Swami Bhaswarananda, who is in charge of the Ashrama, conducted two weekly scriptural classes. Lectures on religious, cultural and philosophical subjects were also arranged from time to time. For this purpose the newly constructed Koone Vayloo Pillay Hall was most serviceable. The Hall was also often used by other sister organisations.
A notable event of the period under review was the completion of the first floor of the main premises.
The Mission branch conducts the Vivekananda Tamil school, the Vivekananda Afternoon English school, the Saradamani Tamil Girls' school and the Adult Labourers' Night School. It will be apparent from the names of the schools that they cater to the needs of various classes of pupils, and it is gratifying to note that Chinese pupils are also being drawn to them. Moral and religious instruction forms an essential part of the teaching, and music, needle­work and physical training receive particular atten­tion. The Night School was entirely free.
The centre has a Library and Reading Room, which is open to members.
The success of the work in Fiji in 1937 was on a par' with that of the work in South Africa recorded in the last General Report. In response to the earnest invitation of some friends, Swami Avinasha-nanda was sent by the Mission Headquarters as a preacher of Vedanta. He reached Fiji in May, 1937, and was warmly received by the Indian settlers. During his stay of eight months-'in the Island he was able to make them conscious of their unparallelled cultural heritage and their inseparable connection with the mother-country. He succeeded in organising various measures for the social amelioration of the settlers, in which task he was greatly helped by the Government. One of these was the teaching of the mother-tongues of the various Indian communities in the schools. The " Ten (South) India Sanmarga Aikya Sangam " received recognition from the Government, and became the centre of various educational activities. The Sangam Students' Home at Nadi was established mainly through his efforts.
On the religious side also the Swami was highly successful. He travelled throughout the Island, carrying the message of Vedanta to every corner. He left for India for reasons of health in January, 1938. Arrangements are being made to send another Swami in his place to continue the work.
The Vedanta Society, New York
This is the first Vedanta centre in the United States of America. Started in 1894 as a result of the enthu­siasm created by Swami Vivekananda by his epoch-making lecture on Hinduism at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago, it was incorporated in 1898. Housed in a spacious building at 34 West 7-ist Street, close to the Central Park, the Society has a .beautifully decorated auditorium, a chapel for meditation and a good library of Eastern and Western literature.
The season's work begins in October and ends in June. During the period under review a sermon was preached every Sunday by Swami Bodhananda, who is in charge, and scriptural classes were held twice a week. Practical training in meditation was also given, and interviews were arranged, in which individual instructions were given to the students to assist them in leading a religious life.
The Society, among other things, celebrated the birthdays of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Viveka­nanda, when notable speakers addressed the audience, and Hindu dinners were arranged.
The Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Centre, New York
Feeling the need for a greater development of the work of the Ramakrishna Mission in this premier city of the United States, a number of students and admirers of Vedanta decided to organise a second
centre in New York. Accordingly in 1933, a chapel was arranged for in a centrally located building at 200 West 57th Street, and Swami Nikhilananda became the leader of the centre.
In addition to his Sunday lectures on general topics, the Swami, who has several English transla­tions of standard Vedanta works to his credit, con­ducted classes on Tuesday and Friday evenings on Vedantic texts, which were well attended. Questions were answered after both the classes. One of the chief events of the period under review was the celebration of the Centenary of Sri Ramakrishna, which attracted much attention. Other special celebrations included the observance of the birthdays of Buddha, Christ and Swami Vivekananda. Dinners were arranged, at which nQtable speakers of .New York addressed the students and guests of the centre. Steps are being taken for securing a permanent home for the centre.
The Vedanta Centre, Boston (Massachusetts)
The nucleus of this centre was laid in 1909 by Swami-"Paramananda, who is still in charge of it. He is a successful preacher of Vedanta, and lectures in different places to appreciative audiences in his frequent journeys across the country. He is also the author of many Vedantic books both in prose and verse.
The centre is housed at 420 Beacon Street, a stately building with a large and attractive auditorium and a chapel used for meditation and worship by the resident members and students. Two services on Sundays, a class on Hindu philosophical works on Tuesdays and a Hindu dinner served to the students and guegts on Thurs'days comprise the weekly pro­gramme of the centre, one of the Sisters taking charge of the work in the absence of the Swami. The centre .observed the birthdays of Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Buddha, to mention a few.
The Vedanta journal, The Message of the East, changed into a quarterly in 1937, its twenty-sixth year, is conducted from this centre.
The Vedanta Centre, Cohasset (Massachusetts)
This is a lovely retreat attached to the Boston centre, at a distance of about 23 miles from the city. Started in 1929, it affords students of Vedanta oppor­tunities to devote themselves to study and contem­plation. The activities of the centre were suspended during the winter months.
The Vedanta Society, Providence (Rhode Island)
This Society was started by Swami Akhilananda in September, 1928. In 1931 it got its own home, the Hindu Temple, at 224 Angell Street—a fine three-storied building donated by two American members. Services are conducted by the Swami every Sunday, and classes are held twice a week, devoted to scrip­tural studies and meditation. A Library is open for the use of the students. Interviews and individual instructions are also given. In 1936, throughout the spring the Swami spoke at Philadelphia twice a week on Fridays and Saturdays.
He was invited by many Churches, Societies and Clubs in Providence and other cities in the State and-in Massachusetts, to speak on India and on different phases of Hinduism. He also joined the meetings of the Union Ministers' Association. The Swami's lectures over the radio WPRO twice a week were well appreciated. At intervals he also conducted the morning service over the stations WJAR and WEAN.
The birthdays of Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Buddha as well as Christmas and other special days were observed by the Society. Receptions, social activities and dinners were also held.
The Vedanta Society, Washington (D. C.)
The nucleus of the Society was formed in 1930, when Swami Akhilananda came from Providence and delivered a series of lectures, which were much appre­ciated. In the next year Swami Vividishananda took charge of the centre and worked there till May, 1936, when he left for Denver to start a new centre. Since then the work at Washington is being managed by Swami Akhilananda as an extension of his work at Providence. In this he is assisted by Swami Satprakashananda, who was sent from the Head­quarters towards the end of 1936. They visit the city at intervals, deliver lectures and hold classes and interviews.
The Vedanta Society, Chicago (Illinois)
This Society was started by Swami Gnaneswar-ananda in 1930 and is situated at 120 East Delaware Place, in a very respectable locality near Lake Michigan. During the period under review, it main­tained its progress well.
The Sunday services continued to be popular. Besides, weekday classes were organised. Students who did not want to join the above classes availed themselves of short courses given to small groups. The Swami also granted private interviews. Swarni Gnaneswarananda was invited by other organisations to give public lectures on Hindu Philosophy, Art and Culture, which helped to spread the message of India amongst many educational and cultural groups out­side the membership of the Society.
The Swami's premature death in November, J937, dealt a. severe blow to the centre, but the work was continued by some earnest students till a Swami .could be sent from India.
Swami Vishwananda, who was sent this year from the Headquarters to take charge of the centre, has begun his work successfully since May.
The Vedanta Society, Denver (Colorado)
The work at Denver (Colorado), the cultural centre of the mid-west United States, was started by Swami Vividishananda in May, 1936, when a series of lectures delivered by him on Vedanta and the life and culture of the people of India attracted many earnest souls, and a permanent Vedanta Society was formed with its location at 1205 Washington Street (Apt. 18).
The Swami holds two weekly classes on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Y. M. C. A. Building. Since October, 1937, a third weekly class is being held on Sundays in the Cosmopolitan Hotel, where a medium-sized auditorium has been engaged. In these classes well-known sacred books of the Hindus are taught.
The centre duly celebrated, among other things, the birthday anniversaries of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda.
The Vedanta Society, San Francisco
_ This Society owed its origin to the inspring visit
of Swami Vivekananda to the city in the year 1900. It is located in. the Hindu Temple, the first of its kind in the West, at 2963 Webster Street, within a few minutes' walk of the San Francisco Bay. The Society was formally incorporated in 1928.
Under the leadership! of Swami Ashokananda, the activities of the Society, during the period under review, have maintained their progress. He lectured twice a week on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. The Sunday lectures were given at the Century Club and the Wednesday lectures at the Hall of the Society. On the first Friday of every month
there was a question class in the evening, and on other Fridays there was a meditation class followed by expounding of the scriptures. Besides, the Swami was frequently invited to deliver lectures in intellec­tual circles, which were well attended and much appreciated. There is a Library open to everyone, but only members are permitted to borrow books.
Successful extension work at Oakland, a growing city across the Bay, consisting of Sunday evening services and study classes on Mondays are some other activities of the Swami. He also gave practical instruction for spiritual development to a large number of earnest seekers.
Shanti Ashrama, San Antone Valley (California)
This " Peace Retreat," started by the late Swami Turiyananda, is attached to the Vedanta Society, San Francisco. It is situated amidst beautiful mountain scenery, about a hundred miles from the city, and has since 1900 been an excellent place for meditation to the students of the Society.
The Ananda Ashrama, La Crescenta (California)
This Ashrama, situated in a beautiful spot on the hills, seventeen miles from Los Angeles, was started as an extension of the Boston centre in 1923. Away from the din of city life, the Ashrama, with its spacious grounds, serves as a model hermitage for the Vedanta students of America. Swami Paramananda has suc­ceeded in attracting a'devoted group of followers of both sexes, who live and work in this Ashrama as one family. Regular services and classes are held by the Swami, or in his absence by one or other of the Sisters.
The Ashrama observed, among other things, the birthdays of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Viveka­nanda. It has an Arts and Crafts department.
The Vedanta Society, Hollywood (California)
This centre, situated at 1946 Ivar Avenue, Holly­wood, was started by Swami Prabhavananda in the year 1930. Since that time it has been steadily growing. It possesses a house of its own, called the Vivekananda Home, the gift of an American lady devotee. To accommodate the present substantially increased congregation, a temple, with a large auditorium and library, has just been built on the Society's premises.
Sunday services and weekday classes were regularly held. Swami Prabhavananda has begun a course on Indian Philosophy and Religion, in which every Thursday he expounds Sanskrit scriptures and the different systems of Indian philosophy. Another new activity of the Society is the publication of the monthly journal, Voice of India, which should prove of great interest to both Western and Eastern readers.
The celebration of the birthday anniversaries of some of the great Teachers of the world including Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda amid appro­priate settings, was also a part of the centre's activities.
The Vedanta Society, Portland (Oregon)
This centre was started by Swami Prabhavananda in November, 1925, and he was in charge till Decem­ber, 1929, when he was succeeded by Swami Vividishananda. The work continued under the new Swami's guidance, but on account of financial diffi­culties it had to be suspended from June, 1930. A few ardent members of the Society, however, held weekly study classes on Vedanta in the Public Library
building, till in 1932 Swami Devatmananda, its present leader, took charge.
Under him the Society has made remarkable progress. Besides having a home of its own called the Vedic Temple, a two-storied building located in a very respectable district, at 1206 N.W. 25th Avenue, it has got a new extension called Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, which was dedicated in July, 1936. The Ashrama covers 120 acres of hilly land commanding gorgeous views, and is situated on Wilkinson Road, about 20 miles from Portland. It is planned with the object of presenting to the seekers an opportunity to cultivate their spiritual life in a natural setting of quiet and solitude, away from the bustle and hurry of the city* life.
In addition to Sunday services, weekday classes, special devotional services on the birthday anniver­saries of all the World-Teachers and social gatherings, the Society also conducts a Women's League—a cultural and educational group consisting of women members and friends of the Society, which meets once a month. Lecture classes and forums in different parts of the city are also organised.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Buenos Aires
This centre in the most progressive city of South America was established in 1933 by Swami Vijoya-nanda, who had been sent there the year before on the invitation of some friends interested in philosophy. From the very beginning he has met with considerable success in this land, where the universal message of Hinduism is being heard for the first time.
The Ashrama is located at Ayacucho 2137. The Swami is able to conduct his classes in Spanish, the language of the country. Every week he holds several
classes, all of which are well attended. He has deliv­ered from time to time public lectures in English, to which hisi eloquence and forceful personality have attracted very large audiences.
The Ashrama has undertaken the translation of Swami Vivekananda's works in Spanish, and the publication of the addresses and class-talks of Swami Vijoyananda. Already a few books have been published.
The Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Vedanta Society, London
By the establishment of this centre a,, cherished desire of Swami Vivekananda has been fulfilled. Swami Avyaktananda, who went to England with the twofold object of studying the socio-economic systems of the West and preaching Vedanta, started the above Society in October, 1934. It is located at 48 Belsize Square, London N.W. 3.
The Swami has made extensive tours of England and the Continent, and delivered a large number of lectures on invitation before different Societies and Associations interested in Indian thought, in England and elsewhere. Weekly classes and lectures at the Society's Hall, summer classes in the country, drawing-room meetings, meditation classes and inter­views—these are some of the ways in which he is trying to influence the English public, including the cultured section. He is being increasingly appre­ciated everywhere.
The Society observed in a fitting manner the Centenary of Sri Ramakrishna as also other birthday anniversaries. Through the unremitting zeal of its leader, the work of the Society is progressing satis­factorily, and there is a great scope for future expansion.
Central Europe has got a worthy representative of the Ramakrishna Mission in the person of Swami Yatiswarananda. At the earnest request of a group of Vedanta students at Wiesbaden, Germany, he reached there in November, 1933. Since then through tours, lectures on invitation and correspondence, he has come in touch with a large number of scholars, devotees and friends in different countries of Europe.
He has made St. Moritz in Switzerland the base of his work, but he does not confine himself to any particular locality, and is available for the help and guidance of spiritual aspirants all over Central Europe. Thus in 1936 and 1937 he contacted various groups and individuals at Wiesbaden in Germany, at Zurich, Geneva, Lausanne and St. Moritz in Switzerland, at Paris, and at the Hague in Holland. At all these places he, held classes and delivered lectures. For instance, at Geneva he held regular meetings four times a week and spoke at Versovie at the " Institute Monnier," at Lausanne under the auspices of the " Society Vaudoise d'Etudes Psychiques,' and in Paris at the " Mus6e Guimet " and at the " Institute of the Indian Civilisation " attached to the Sorbonne University.
In 1937 he started a quarterly magazine in English and German, called' the Vedanta, which reached many readers in Europe. At Zurich a small Vedanta library has been established. The Swami has been instrumental in getting many books of the Ramakrishna Order published in French and German. His present address is: Grusaida, Dim Lej, St. Moritz, Engadin, Switzerland.

The Vedanta work of the Ramakrishna Order is spreading slowly but surely in Europe. The latest tangible proof is the deputation of Swami Siddheswara-
nanda to Paris in July, 1937, on the invitation of some sincere friends. He had to spend the first few months of his stay in France in studying the French language as well as the manners and customs of the people. Gradually he was called upon to conduct weekly classes and grant interviews. He also gave occasional talks in French to various groups. In the course, of his short stay the Swami has already made himself popular, and given great promise of his future •', success as a preacher among the French-speaking people. His present address is—Chez: M. Marcel Sauton, 2 Rue Auguste Maquet, Paris XVI (e).
There are a few other centres which are conducted on the same principles as the institutions of the Rama-krishna Order, but are not yet formally connected with it. Five of them deserve mention.
The Vivekananda Silpi Sangha, Cossipur, Calcutta
This is an institution started by a Swami of the Ramakrishna Mission in 1929 as a step towards solving the unemployment problem of the middle classes in our country. It teaches young men to earn their livelihood, by developing such cottage industries as can be conducted with small capital, e.g., weaving, dyeing, bleaching, soap-making, clay-modelling, cane-work, toy-making, leather embossing and painting, and fret-work. A techno-industrial school, which is conducted under its auspices and is managed by one of its students, is doing very useful work at Jharia, and so is the branch centre at Chota Ambona, near Dhanbad. The Swami, with the help of his students, has given successful demonstrations before many an Industrial Exhibition, which were awarded a number of medals by the organisers.
The Sangha at Cossipore (3iA, Barrackpur Trunk Road) and its branches have trained many students up till now. With the help of some of them temporary extension centres were started at various places in Assam, Bengal and Bihar, and more than a thousand persons learnt one or, more crafts through them.
The Sangha is greatly handicapped for want of tunds and deserves substantial help and encourage­ment from the generous public.
The Ramakrishna Sevashrama, Silchar (Cachar)
This institution has been doing good work, mainly educational, among the backward classes of the Cachar district of Assam since its inception in 1924. In the Students' Home conducted by the Ashrama there were 20 students in 1937, who, in addition to their intellectual and spiritual well-being, got the full benefit of the Sevashrama Library, the weekly music classes, the weaving classes and the voluntary services of a gymnastic teacher. The Ashrama also manages six night schools with a total strength of 22 girls and 167 boys. The Sevashrama Library, which is open to the public contains about a thousand volumes. A magic lantern with 400 slides, which is in the posses­sion of the Ashrama, is utilised for educating the rural people in hygienic, social and religious matters. Public religious lectures are also organised. In 1937 the total receipts of the Sevashrama amounted to Rs. 2,694-10-6 and the total expenditure to Rs. 2,720-12-9. Steps are being taken for making the Sevashrama a branch centre of the Mission.
The Ramakrishna Ashrama, Asansol (Burdwan)
The Ashrama was started in 1926, since when it has made considerable progress. More buildings have been put up, and the Ashrama site has been extended. The Students' Home attached to the Ashrama main­tains 8 students. The Night School teaches about 40 students. It has a small Library, which lends books to the public, and a homoeopathic Dispensary, which serves the poor people of the locality. Situated as the Ashrama is in a grow1' g industrial town which is the centre of the coal-fields of Bengal and Bihar, it has immense possibilities of expansion in the future. The Mission is going to make it a branch centre very soon.
The Ramakrishna Advaita Ashrama, Kaladi (Travancore)
This Ashrama at the birthplace of Sri Sankara-charya, started in 1936, has made steady progress during the period under review. Summer classes on various books relating to Vedanta and the four Yogas, attended by about 20 students on an average, were held, and the Swami in charge delivered a large number of lectures at different places within and with­out the State, which were very well attended. He also published many books on Vedanta in Malayalam and conducted regular religious classes in many places.
The number of students in the Sanskrit School run by the Ashrama rose to 103 at the end of 1937. During the same year a spacious building was erected for the school. There is also an arrangement for imparting' education in Ayurveda. Some of the students and teachers were accommodated in the Ashrama itself.
The Ashrama celebrated the birthdays of the Founders of many religions.
The Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Sangha, Taki (24 Parganas)
Established in 1931, the Sangha has amply justified itself as a centre for rural uplift. It possesses a permanent site measuring about eight bighas, on which six houses for various purposes have been put up, prominent among these being the temple and the spacious building for the U.P. School. The Ashrama School teaches 171 boys, and the U.P. School at Jalalpur, within the same Municipality, has a strength of 65 students. The Ashrama accommodated 4 students in 1937. The Dispensary treated 16,696 patients during the same year. A most useful exten­sion of the activities of the Ashrama has been the starting of a vocational section in 1938, for teaching
various subjects that will help the poor people in earning a livelihood.
The institution has just been made a branch centre of the Rarnakrishna Mission.
Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda Birthday Celebrations
As it is impossible to give a detailed account of the celebrations observed by the Maths and Ashramas all over India and abroad, we give here only a brief general account of the same. On these occasions, special worship, Homa, chanting of sacred texts, Bhajana and Sankirtana, distribution of Prasada to the devotees, feeding of the "Daridra Narayanas" in large numbers, and lectures on the lives and ^teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda by eminent speakers, form the general programme according to the circumstances.
These occasions also afford great opportunities to the different centres to invite the senior Swamis of the Order as preachers, and thus the message of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda is steadily propagated all over the country. They bring many young and ardent souls into a closer touch with the principles and ideals of the Mission. Some of them have already dedicated their lives to the cause by joining the monastic Order, while others have become friends and supporters of the Mission.
The different Mission Funds kept open for Public Contribution
Apart from the monastic life and discipline of the Maths and Ashramas, the Ramakrishna Mission affords opportunities for the wider public to co-operate with the members of the Ramakrishna Order in carrying out various items of work chalked out
by Swami Vivekananda for serving our countrymen in different ways. Generally speaking, such co­operation may consist in an active participation in the work of the Mission as its members or associates, or in pecuniary contribution to its different funds, or in both. Persons who sympathise with the objects of the Mission, but are unable actively to participate in its activities, are always welcome to co-operate with the Mission by sending contributions, however small, to one or more of the following funds, which need their support: —
(z) Funds for the support of the permanent Philanthropic and Educational Institutions.
(ii) The Provident Relief Fund, for keeping the resources ready to some extent against the sudden scourges of Nature such as pestilence, famine, flood, fire and ea'rthquake.
(m) The Poor Fund, for alleviating individual distress of various kinds that claims urgent help from the Mission at its Headquarters.
(iv) The Mass Education Fund—which speaks for itself.
(v) The General Fund, for defraying the general expenses of the Mission, such as are incurred for the inspection of centres, the holding of meetings of the Mission, missionary work, postage, printing and stationery.
Contributions may kindly be sent to the President of the Mission, P. O. Belur Math, Dt. Howrah, with a clear specification as to the name of the particular institution or the kind of work for which they are meant, or they may be sent direct to the institutions concerned.
Thanks of the Mission and its Appeal ,
We take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude to all the kind donors, subscribers, friends
and sympathisers who by their ready assistance, financial or otherwise, have placed the different centres of the Mission on a working order, as well as to those who, in response to our appeals for funds during various providential mishaps such as earthquake, flood, famine and fire, have helped us to carry on successfully these occasional relief operations. Our thanks are also due to the proprietors and editors of.-. the English and vernacular periodicals in India for the kindness they have shown in publishing our appeals and reports, as also to the local gentry, official or non-official, in the various areas, whose co-operation has materially helped the Mission in conducting the relief activities in those parts on different occasions. We also express our gratefulness to the local physicians of the different centres who cheerfully lent us their services whenever they were approached.
We hope the generous public all over India and abroad will continue to give the Mission the same kind co-operation and help that they have given it so unstintedly in the past, so that we may realise the Truth by carrying out the ideal of Work and Worship, the gospel of the new era wherein lies the hope of the future. All well-wishers of India can find here a golden opportunity to do their bit towards the amelioration of the condition of their suffering brethern, and be sharers in the uplift of humanity.
Extracts from the Memorandum of Association of the Ramakrishna Mission
registered in may, 1909, under act XXI of 1860 or the governor-general of india in council.
i. The name of the Association is the ram-krishna mission. It may also be spelt as rama-krishna mission.
The objects of the Association are:
(a) To impart and promote the study of the Vedanta and its principles as propounded by Sri Ramakrishna and practically illustrated by his own life, and of Comparative Theology in its widest form.
(6) To impart and promote the study of the arts, sciences and industries.
(c) To train teachers in all branches of knowledge above-mentioned and enable them to reach the masses.
(<f) To carry on educational work among the masses.
(e) To establish, maintain, carry on and assist schools, colleges, orphanages, workshops, laboratories, hospitals, dispensaries, houses for the infirm, the invalid and the afflicted, famine relief works, and other educational and charitable works and institutions of a like nature.
(/) To print and publish and to sell or distribute, gratuitously or otherwise, journals, periodicals, books or leaflets that the Association may think desirable for the promotion of its objects.
(g1) To carry on any other work which may seem to the Association capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with and calculated directly or indirectly to promote any of the before-mentioned objects.
Extracts from the Rules and Regulations of the Ramakrishna Mission
1. The Association is established for the pur­poses expressed in the Memorandum of Association.
Members and Associates
2. (a) All followers, whether lay or monastic, ofthe Paramahansa Ramakrishna may be members ofthe Association if elected at a meeting of the Associa­tion or nominated by the Governing Body hereinafter
(&) A person intending to be a member shall sign the declaration form annexed herewith and submit to the Secretary an application, in a form prescribed by the Association, and he shall be proposed by a member of the Association and seconded and supported by at least two members of the Governing Body.
Members' Declaration Form
I wish to be a member of the Ramakrishna Mission Belur, Howrah. I look upon Sri Ramakrishna as an Illustration and Embodiment of the Religion Enternal, whose life and teachings help one to under­stand the plan and purpose of all the religions of the world and their underlying truth and harmony.
I look upon all religions as paths to God, and shall try to live in peace and fellowship with the followers of all religions.
I have full sympathy with all the objects of the Ramakrishna Mission as set forth in the Memoran-
dum of Association, and I will actively co-operate with the work of the Mission.
I shall pay the admission fee and ^"f^^SsSri and shall abide by the rules, regulations and bye-laws of the Association.
3. All persons irrespective of colour, creed orcaste, sympathising with all or any of the objects of
the Association may be associates, if elected at a meeting of the Association or nominated by the Governing Body.
  1. Monastic members shall not be required topay any admission fee or any subscription.
  2. Every lay member and every associate,unless exempted therefrom in writing by the GoverningBody, shall pay an admission fee of Rs. ^ and anannual subscription of Rs. 5 payable by 'two half-yearly instalments in advance. The Governing Bodymay exempt any member or associate from paymentof all or any fees or subscriptions.
  3. The annual subscription shall be commutedby a payment of Rs. 100.
7. (a) Connection of members and associates with
the Association shall cease by resignation, death,
removal or non-payment of dues for two years butshall be capable of renewal in such manner as theGoverning Body may from time to time decide.
  1. The Governing Body on a requisition signedby forty lay members of the Association may removea lay member from the rolls of the Association,provided the connection of such member be deemed bythe Governing Body after enquiry as detrimental to theinterests of the Association.
  2. If in the opinion of the Governing Body theconduct and behaviour of any member have been suchas to be detrimental to the objects and work of theAssociation, the Governing Body may after notice to
such member and hearing his explanation, if any, suspend him for a period not exceeding six months.
  1. It shall be competent for the Association to
    remove any lay member from the rolls of the Asso­
    ciation by a majority consisting of at least three-fifths
    of the votes cast at a meeting of the Association.
  2. The Governing Body shall be competent toremove any monastic member from the rolls of the.Association by a majority of votes cast at a meetingof the Governing Body specially convened for thatpurpose, provided that no one shall be removed exceptwhen not less than five votes are cast in favour of hisremoval.
8. Members shall be entitled to:
(a) Vote at all meetings of the Association, use the Library attached to the Math at Belur in the district of Howrah and reside at the Math temporarily subject to rules and; regulations prescribed by the Math authorities.
(6) Attend all classes formed by the Association for the instruction of its members and receive indi­vidual instructions whenever practicable.
  1. Receive all publications of the Association ata special discount of 25 per cent, on the publishedprice.
  2. Mofussil members shall be entitled to receiveEnglish or Bengali proceedings, reports and leafletspublished by the Association on payment of postagedues.
9. Associates shall have all the privileges ofmembers except the right to vote at meetings.
Temporary Relief Work undertaken in the past
1. Famine Relief Work:
In Murshidabad in 1896; in Dinajpur, Sonthal Parganas and 24-Parganas in 1897; at Kishengarh (Rajputana) in 1899-1900; at Khandwa (C.P.) in 1900; in Tippera, Sylhet, Noakhali and 24-Parganas in 1906-07; in Puri and Murshidabad in 1908; in Bankura, Balasore, Noakhali, Tippera, . Cachar, Midnapore, Mymensingh, Faridpur and Dacca in 1915-16; in Manbhum, Sonthal Parganas, Puri, Tippera and Bankura in 1919; in Puri in ^920; in Khulna in 1921; in Sonthal Parganas and Midnapore in 1926; in Bankura and Dinajpur in1" 1928; in Rangpur and Nadia in 1931; in Mymensing and Pabna in 1932; in Sylhet and Burdwan in 1935; in Khulna, Midnapur, Bankura, Birbhum and Sonthal Parganas in 1936.
2. Flood Relief Work:
In Bhagalpur in 1899; in 24-Parganas in 1900; in Midnapore and Hooghly in 1909; in Bankura, Hooghly, Howrah and Midnapore in 1913-14; in Cachar, Noakhali and Tippera in 1915; in Benares, Ballia, Burdwan and Faridpur in 1916; in Burdwan and Cachar in 1916; in Rajshahi in 1918; in Muttra in 1918-19; in Midnapore, Cuttack and Puri in 1920; in Amherst (Burma) in 1920-21; in Rajshahi, Midnapore, Faridpur, Hooghly and Bankura in 1922; in Patna and Arrah in 1923; in Dehra-Dun, Saharanpur, Muttra and Bhagalpur in 1924; in Tanjore, Trichinopoly, Coimbatore, Salem, British Malabar, Cochin and Tra-vancore in 1924; in Akyab (Burma) and Midnapore in 1926; in Kaira and Balasore in 1927; in Cachar, Sylhet and Nowgong in 1929; in Midnapore in 1929;
in Pabna, Mymensing and Dacca in 1931; in Cuttack, Puri and Midnapore in 1933; in Arakan (Burma), Malda and Cawnpore in 1936; in Puri and Cuttack in
3. Sanitary Relief Work :
(a) Plague: In Calcutta during the epidemic of '1899-190$; at Bhagalpur in 1904-5 and 1912; at Lahore and Rohtak in 1924,
(&) During the Ganga-Sagar Mela in Saugor Island in 1912, 1914—1925.
  1. During the Kumbha Mela of Allahabad in1930.
  2. Influenza: In Benares, Balasore, Puri andNoakhali in 1918-19.
  3. Small-pox in Midnapore in 1936; in Bankurain 1937. •
(/) Cholera: In Tehri in 1913; in Howrah in 1917; in Jalpaiguri in 1924; in Purnea and Hooghly in 1925 ; in Malda and Purnea in 1926; in Burdwan in 1929," in Purnea in 1930; in Midnapore in 1935.
4. Cyclone and Tornado Relief Work:
In Dacca, Barisal, Faridpur and Khulna in 1919; in Ganjam in 1923-24; in Faridpur in 1926; in Nellore in 1927; in Mymensing in 1932; in 24-Parganas in 1935-
5. Fire Relief Work :
In Puri in 1915, 1916, 1920, 1923, 1926, 1927, 1932 and 1933; in Murshidabad and Muttra in 1927; in Midnapore in 1919; in Jessore in 1922 and 1933; in Manbhum in 1923, 1925, 1930 and 1933; in 24-Par­ganas in 1923, 1927, 1928 and 1930; in Burdwan, Birbhum and Kamrup in 1924; in Howrah in 1930; in Bankura in 1932 and 1933; in Murshidabad in 1933; in Birbhum in 1933; in Bankura, Birbhum and Manbhum in 1935; in Puri in 1937.
6. Earthquake and Landslip Relief Work :
At Darjeeling in 1899.
At Dharamsala (Punjab) in 1905.
7. Riot Relief Work :
In Dacca and Mymensing in 1930.
8. Coolie Relief Work :
At Chandpur (Tippera) in 1921.
9. Water Scarcity Relief Work :
In Faridpur in 1920-21.
10. Cloth Relief Work :
In many districts of Bengal in 1919.
Besides these, temporary relief work of various kinds was organised by the branch centres of the Mission from time to time.
List of Centres according to Territorial Divisions (1938)
Bengal: Calcutta (4 centres), Gauripur, Barnagore,Taki, Salkia, Belur (2 centres), Sarisha, Asansol,Midnapore, Tamluk, Chandipur, Garbeta, Contai,Bankura, Jayrambati, Koalpara, Sargachhi,Bagerhat, Barisal, Malda, Dinajpur, Dacca,Narayanganj, Sonargaon, Baliati, Faridpur,Jahndi and Mymensing. ,
Assam: Shillong, Silchar, Sylhet and Habiganj.
Bihar: Patna, Katihar, Jamshedpur, Ranchi, Deoghar and Jamtara.
Orissa: Puri and Bhubaneswar.
U.P.: Allahabad, Benares (2 centres), Lucknow, Cawnpore, Brindaban, Almora, Mayavati, Shyamala Tal, Kankhal and Kishenpur.
Sind: Karachi.
Delhi: Delhi.
Bombay Presidency: Bombay and Rajkot.
C.P.: Nagpur.
Madras Presidency: Madras (2 centres), Conjeeveram, Nattarampalli, Perianaikenpalayam and Ootaca-mund.
Travancore: Tiruvella.
Mysore: Bangalore and Mysore.
Coorg: Ponnampet.
Cochin: Trichur..
Centres outside India;
Ceylon: Colombo, Batticaloa, Trincomalie and Jaffna.
Burma: Rangoon (2 centres).
Straits Settlements: Singapore.
England: London.
Central Europe: St. Moritz.
France: Paris.
Argentine Republic (South America): Buenos Aires.
united states of america :
New York: New York (2 centres).
Massachusetts: Boston and Cohasset.
Rhode Island: Providence.
District of Columbia: Washington.
Illinois: Chicago.
Colorado: Denver.
California: San Francisco, San Antone Valley,
Hollywood and La Crescenta. Oregon: Portland.
A Warning
If has come to our notice that persons other tj accredited representatives of the Mjssion often appro; the sympathetic public and raise^ funds, by talc advantage of their charitable disposition towards Mission activities. Very ofteii the .contributors ; deceived in this way, as the money thus collcci never reaches the Mission. The generous public therefore particularly warned that no cbntributii should be made to any person who approaches the in the name of the Ramakrishna Mission witho possessing a Letter of Authority duly signed by il President or Secretary and bearing the embossed se of the Ramakrishna Mission. , The Mission authorifK will be highly obliged.if any case causing the slighte; suspicion regarding the bona fide character .of th collector of subscriptions or 'donations be immediate;! reported to them. In doubtful cases„ conlribulio:. may be withheld, or sent directly to the Secretary , the Ramakrishna Mission, for distribution to tin, particular centre of which the collector.of such fund-claims to be the representative.

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